The Johnson City Lions Club Board of Directors meeting was held on Thursday March 10, 2022, at 12 noon at the Johnson City Country Club. Present at the meeting were Lion Ken Gough, Lion Ed Gibbons, Lion Steve Brown, Lion George Winton, Lion Jerry Lonon, Lion Don Raines and Lion Doris Kaifa (Secretary).
The meeting was called to order by President Steve Campbell.
The minutes of the previous Board meeting were accepted by consent.
Treasurer Ken Gough presented the financial statement for February, which was accepted by consent.
Lion Ed Gibbons announced the District 12-N raffle draw tickets were ready for sale. He encouraged everyone to purchase tickets and support the club. Tickets are $10.
The President asked for announcements.
King Lion Steve Campbell went over a written response from Smoky Mountain Lions Charities regarding the club’s intention to re-organize as a 501(c)3. There is still concern over loss of control of funds donated to the club, which will have to be channeled through Smoky Mountain. Lion Ken Gough will get more information from the Kingsport club, which, it is reported, is considering leaving Smoky Mountain. The board did not reach a final decision.
Lion Ken Gough announced that the eyeglasses collected and packaged at Lions Volunteer Blind Industries in Gray last year are ready for shipping to ReSpecs and will be picked up in the next few days. He reported that the collection box at the Market St. Walmart had been removed at the store manager’s insistence. Attempts to satisfy his concerns were unsuccessful. The box will be stored at LVBI in Gray until a new location can be found.
Our next meeting will be March 17, 2022.
With no further business, the meeting was adjourned by King Lion Steve Campbell.
Minutes taken and written by Lion Doris Kaifa.
At your service,
Doris Kaifa-Secretary