
Membership in the Johnson City Lions Club is open to all persons 18 years old and older, of good character, and who are recommended by a current member.  We are always looking for good people who want to make our community, our region, our nation and our world a better place.  The Lions Club is not a fraternal, business, social or political organization.  It is people of good will banded together to serve their fellow man in ways which we cannot do alone. Our motto is “WE SERVE”.  Frankly, this requires hard work,  and each member is expected to do his part.  We share the load so that the load of the less fortunate will not be so heavy.

The reward is great.  We enjoy the fellowship of some of the finest people in the community.  We are warmed by the thanks of those we help.  We take pride in being part of an organization well-known for its leadership in the effort to solve our community’s problems.  But above all, the Lions Club is a means for us to express the goodwill that is in our hearts.

We invite you to visit with us.  Come to a meeting, enjoy lunch on us, meet the members, learn what we do, and find out if the Lions is the place for you to serve.

Email the Membership Committee Chairman.

Get a brochure with more information.

Get a membership application.

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