The Johnson City Lions Club Regular Meeting Minutes March 3, 2022

The Johnson City Lion Club met for its regular meeting on Thursday March 3, 2022, at 12 noon at the Johnson City Country Club.  Present at the meeting were Lion Ken Gough, Lion Ed Gibbons, Lion Steve Brown, Lion George Winton, Lion Jerry Lonon, Lion Sam Melchner and Lion Doris Kaifa (Secretary). Lion Doris acted in place of Lion Steve Campbell (President).  Guests were Abigail and Robin Crumley.

The meeting was called to order by Lion Doris.  Lion Steve Brown lead the opening prayer. Lion Doris welcomed guests Abigail and Robin Crumley.

Past District Governor Millie Burke visited the club and presented the club with a “Club Excellence Award” for our banner.

Past District Governor Millie thanked the club for its effort in establishing the Erwin Lions Club.

Lion Ed Gibbons announce that the Erwin Lions Club will be doing an eye screening in April.

The upcoming District convention will be March 18 & 19.

Lion Ed Gibbons introduced the guest speaker, Mrs. Robin Crumley.

Mrs. Robin Crumley give a brief presentation on the Johnson City Boys and Girls Club and its positive impact in the community.


Lion Ed announced the District 12N Annual reverse raffle fundraiser. He encourages all members to participate in buying tickets. Tickets are $10 apiece. Our Club will make $1.25 per ticket after we sell 25 tickets.

Lion Ken Gough announced that the eyeglasses are still being collected.

Our next meeting will be March 17, 2022.

With no further business for discussion, the meeting was adjourned by Lion Doris.

At your service,

Doris Kaifa-Secretary

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