The Johnson City Lions Club held its regular meeting on Thursday February 3, 2022, at 12 noon at the Johnson City Country Club. Present at the meeting were King Lion Steve Campbell, Lion Ken Gough, Lion Ed Gibbons, Lion George Winton, Lion Judaun Alison, Lion Jerry Lonon, Lion Sam Melchner, Steve Brown and Lion Doris Kaifa (Secretary).
The meeting was called to order by King Lion Steve Campbell. Lion Steve Brown lead the opening prayer.
King Lion Steve Campbell welcome everyone back to the New Year!
King Lion Steve Campbell read THANK YOU letters from Haven of Mercy, Waverly (TN) Lions Club, and Second Harvest. They thanked the club for the financial contributions to their organizations.
Lion Steve Campbell won the drawing. He donated the fund to the Turtle Derby.
Committee and Project Reports:
Lion Ken Gough reported on the eyeglass recycling event held in November at Lions Volunteer Blind Industries in Gray. He thanked everyone for their help and stated that it was a success. He reported 2300 lbs of glasses were packed and readied for shipment.
The President announced that we should always remember why we do what we do. A video was played from Lion Club International on how the Lions Club was started including the White Cane Day.
Lion Ed announced he will be doing eye screening on May 21st, 2022. Anyone interested in helping please contact Lion Ed Gibbons.
Our next meeting will be February 17th, 2022.
With no further business, the meeting was adjourned by King Lion Steve Campbell.
Minutes taken and written by Lion Doris Kaifa.
At your service,
Doris Kaifa-Secretary