The Johnson City Lions Club met for its Board meeting on Thursday September 17, 2021 at 12 noon at the Johnson City Country Club. Present at the meeting were King Lion Steve Campbell, Lion Ken Gough, Lion George Winton, Lion Ed Gibbons, Lion Steve Brown, Lion Jerry Lonon, Lion Don Raines and Lion Debbie Shipley.
The meeting was called to order by King Lion Steve Campbell. Lion Steve Brown asked the blessing.
Committee and Project Report:
The President asked for minutes and project reports. Lion Ken Gough (Treasurer) presented the financial report. On motion made by Lion Ed Gibbons and seconded by Lion George Winton, the report was accepted.
On motion made by Lion Ken Gough and seconded by Lion Don Raines, donations of $1000 to LCIF and $500 to VBI were approved.
The club sent $500 to District 12-N for the Waverly Lions Club disaster relief.
The Turtle Derby is set for October 16th at the Boys and Girls Club. Members are to be there for set up at 8 am.
A “Thank You Note” from our waitress, Darlene, for the shoe drive donation was read by the President.
Lion Ken Gough is looking at options for the eyeglass donation program.
The club decided to have 2 regular meetings and 1 board meeting each month. The 1st and 3rd Thursday as regular meetings and the 2nd Thursday as board meeting.
Our next meeting will be October 7th, 2021.
With no further business for discussion, the meeting was adjourned by King Lion Steve Campbell.
Minutes taken by Lion Debbie Shipley and written by Lion Doris Kaifa.
At your service,
Doris Kaifa-Secretary