Thursday’s meeting notes 11/1/2012

Regular meeting of the Johnson City Lions Club held November 1st, 2012 at the Johnson City Country Club, Johnson City, TN 37604

(14 members present, 3 guests present)

The meeting was called to order at 12:28 PM. VDG Lion Ed Gibbons asked the blessing and Lion Mark Fox led the pledge.

Lion Ken Gooch won the drawing, and donated the entire $2.25 to the tail twister fund.

Lion Tamer Lion CB Willis introduced Lion Anne VanDreumel’s guests, Lion Kay, Molly Hardy, and Patty Byther.  Lion Anne informed the club that her husband, PDG John, is still in the hospital, and that prayers are appreciated.

Lion Tamer CB also announced that pecans are now at the Princeton Road Warehouse, so come and get them!  35 cases were ordered this year, 2 cases less than last year.  The estimated profit of the fundraiser is $3,000.  Give Lion CB a call when you are ready to pick up your pecans at 282-3325.

PDG Dennis Powell informed the club that he found a few documents concerning the Lions Park.  In his research, he discovered that the club turned the park over to Johnson City in the early 1970s.

Tail Twister Ken Gough  reminded everyone about the eyeglass sorting trip to Roanoke on Saturday, November 10th.  To date, some 4,000 glasses have been collected.  That is a new club record!  Any more glasses for this trip need to be dropped off to Lion Ken at 710 W. Walnut Street by Tuesday.  All lions are welcome to attend, and Lion Ken promises that we will not run out of gas on the way.

Lion Turtle King George Winton announced that 449 turtles were sold, one short of our goal.  Expenses need to be turned in to VDG Ed Gibbons.  The bills for the sponsorship have been sent out, with a projected net profit of $20,000.

VDG Ed let us know that he will be traveling to Nashville this Saturday, 3 November, for the Multi-District Meeting.  Saturday evening PDG Lion Dennis Powell will be inducted into the Tennessee Lions Hall of fame. Lion Ed plans to leave a 6 AM Saturday morning. If anyone is interested in joining him they should call Lion Ed.

VDG Ed shared that 11 pairs of glasses have been purchased this meeting, at a cost of $880.

Lion Ken Gough encouraged all Lions to attend the glasses sorting trip to Roanoke on Saturday, November 10th.  Any glasses that need to be sorted need to be dropped off to Lion Ken at 710 W. Walnut ASAP. Over 4000 pairs of used eye glasses have been collected to be sorted and sent all over the world – a record!

There was a discussion about the possibility of moving the next turtle derby to Milligan College.  The idea will be further discussed at the next board meeting.

The meeting was officially adjourned at 12:58 PM.

There will be a board meeting next Thursday, November 8, STSP.

The next regular meeting will be on November 15th.


Submitted by Lion Brandon T. Johnson.

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