Regular meeting of the Johnson City Lions Club held October 18th, 2012 at the Johnson City Country Club, Johnson City, TN 37604
(13 members, 2 guests present)
The meeting was called to order at 12:23 PM. VDG Lion Ed Gibbons asked the blessing and Lion Brandon Johnson led the pledge to the flag.
Lion Tamer Lion CB Willis introduce Lion Lynda Gochenouer’s guest, Jennifer Finley and the club’s guest Lion D.J Naron, a great former member of this club and now a member in Pensacola, FL.
Lion CB then reported that 27 kids were screened through the Kids Sight program yesterday at the Stepping Stones pre-school yesterday in downtown Johnson City with Lion Sterling Winn doing all the camera w work. He did a great job and didn’t scare any of the kids this time.
Finally, Lion Tamer CB also announced that the 35 cartons of pecans that have been ordered will be arriving during the first week of November. He encouraged members to sell at least one more pecan than did than last year. That should be easy.
At this point Lion CB sat down. Guess he was exhausted because he didn’t announce the winner of the drawing. Maybe he’ll tell us next time.
Turtle King Lion George Winton announced that 445 turtle sponsorships have been sold, just 5 short of the club goal of 450, with the Turtle Derby being tomorrow. The turtles are “lubricated” and ready to go. Door prizes are also ready, including a bicycle. Set up starts at Brooks Gym (ETSU Campus) at 5 P.M.
Lion Ken Gough encouraged all Lions to attend the glasses recycling trip to Roanoke on Saturday, November 10th. Any glasses that need to be sorted need to be dropped off to Lion Ken at 710 W. Walnut St. ASAP.
VDG Eddy Gibbons announced that Lion Jayne Myron’s induction is slated for the first meeting in November.
Lion President John Merriss introduced today’s amazing guest speaker, Samantha Legge. Samantha is a 41-year-old, married, stay-at-home mother of four young children (ages 2, 4, 6, and 8). After a series of trials and tribulations, Samantha decided that she would turn her hobby of running into a way to provide scholarships for children to attend Doe River Gorge Ministry’s Summer Camp. On November 4th, Samantha will be running the New York City Marathon as the very last runner. She is asking for people to contribute a penny for every other runner she passes on her 26.2 mile journey. Her theory is “pass a runner, pay a penny, a child goes to camp, and God gets the glory.” Such an uplifting message! Further information on the “a penny a pass” initiative can be found at, as well as ways to donate. Her email address is: .
The meeting was officially adjourned at 12:54PM.
The next regular meeting will be on November 1st.
Submitted by Lion Brandon T. Johnson (Acting Secretary)