Johnson City Lions Club Board Meeting Notes
(LCI No. 5093)
Date: Thursday, 11/8/2012
The Regular Board Meeting was called to order at 12:28 PM.
The Board Members who have a “P” after their names were in attendance.
President John Merriss-P
Immediate Past President Steve Campbell-
2nd Vice-President Sterling Winn-P
3rd Vice-President George Winton-
Projects Treasurer Ed Gibbons-P
Administrative Treasurer Debbie Shipley-P
Tail Twister Ken Gough-P
Lion Tamer CB Willis-
2 Year Director Lynda Gochenouer-P
(2nd Year of Two Year) John Vandreumel-
(2nd Year of Two Year) Debbie Merritt-P
Special Two Year Director CB Willis-
Also in attendance were PDG Lion Dennis Powell and Lion Jerry Lonon.
1. Minutes of Business Meeting: Minutes from the Last board Meeting held on October 10, 2012 were approved.
2. Administrative Treasurer: September, Income $ 767.47, Expenses $ 764.09, Profit $ 3.38 Total Checkbook balance $4526.02. October, Income $ 716.40, Expenses $ 4487.30, Profit $ 229.10 Total Checkbook balance $4755.12
3. A Projects Treasurer: 10/11/2012 – 11/8/2012, Income $152.00, Expenses $7016.41, Loss $6864.41 Total Liabilities & Equity $11,510.32.
4. As required in Article VI in the Club’s constitution the following active Lions were reported to have missed the past four consecutive meetings or more without makeup; Janice McClanahan and James Lonon.
5. As required in Article VI in the Club’s constitution no report was available of Lions who are arrears in membership dues or any other money owed the club .
6. Committee Reports:
Public Relations: No Report.
Eyeglasses Recycling: Lion Gough reported that we now have well over 4,0000 pairs of used eyeglasses to take on the trip this Saturday, November 10th with at least three Lions making the trip. Contact Lion Ken if you can go. We could even have 4,200 pairs going this time; most ever.
Membership and Retention: No Report.
Sight Conservation: No Report.
Budget and Finance: No Report.
Turtle Derby: There was a discussion about moving the Turtle Derby to Milligan College next year during Milligan’s Homecoming weekend in October. Many pros and cons were discussed with no decision or motion offered. More discussion is needed.
Zone Meeting: No Report.
Lions Signs: No Report.
Membership: No Report.
New Member Training: No Report.
Health and Welfare: No Report.
Nuts and Bolts: No Report.
Conventions and Training: No Report.
Kid’s Sight Vision Screenings: No report.
Little League: No Report.
Pecans: Lion CB Willis asked that those picking up pecans call him so he can meet them at the storage facility on Princeton Road.
LCIF: No Report.
7. Old Business: None.
8. New Business:
District Vice Governor Lion Ed Gibbons reported on the induction of PDG Lion Dennis Powell into the Lions Hall of fame. Lion ED said that this rare and special recognition was made last Saturday with other PDG’s, PIP’s, and fellow hall of famers in Nashville; some pretty heady company. Lion Dennis was given the honor due him for his tireless work for our club, the state Lions organization and LCIF.
Lion Shipley made a motion to provide $200.00 from the Christmas Benevolent Fund to be given to God’s Corner. Seconded by Lion Merritt the motion passed unanimously.
A motion by Ken Gough to collect a cash Christmas gift for Clara, our County Club server, over the next two regular meetings to be presented to her at the last regular meeting in December. Seconded by Lion Gibbons the motion passed unanimously.
Meeting was adjourned at 1:01 PM
Our next regular meeting will be on Thursday November 15th.
Our next regular Board of Directors’ meeting will be on Thursday December 13th.
Respectfully submitted November 9th, 2012.
Lion John Merriss