Johnson City Lions Club Regular Noon Meeting Minutes (LCI No. 5093)
Date: Thursday, 7/19/2012
(14 members present – 0 guests)
The meeting was called to order at 12:30 PM by King Lion John Merriss who called on Immediate Past President Steve Campbell to lead the pledge and Vice District Governor Ed Gibbons to ask the blessing.
Lion Tamer CB Willis announced that Lion Dr. Gayle Cox had won the drawing with proceeds going to the scholarship fund.
Lion Ken Gough encouraged everyone to donate to the American Diabetes Association.
Lion Ken Gough announced that interactive calendar on the website is working. Any events that need to be added forward them to him.
King Lion John Merriss announced the club had received $150.00 for all the hard work at The Blue Plum Festival. Thanks to all.
Lion Tamer CB Willis announced the next Kids Sight event will be held at HospiTots on July 25. We have 70 children to screen, please plan to attend. On August 8th the screenings will be held at Princeton Prep, again plan to attend.
King Lion John Merriss announced that a membership meeting will take place. Everyone needs to take a “lead” form and sign up perspective members.
Immediate Past President Steve Campbell is looking for members to serve on the Membership Committee.
Past District Governor Dennis Powell was inducted into the Lion’s Hall of Fame. Congratulations Dennis!
Vice District Governor Ed Gibbons announced that a new ETSU student will join our club in August or September.
King Lion John Merriss announced that the club will be conducting vision screenings at the Farmers Market Saturday July 21 from 6:30-11. Come out and join us.
Kathy Hall Chairperson for the Johnson City School Board made a presentation on the ¼ cent sales tax referendum on the August 2nd ballot.
The meeting was adjourned at 1:04PM.
Our next regular meeting will be Thursday August 2, 2012.
All Lions are invited to the next Board Meeting on Thursday August 9, 2012.
Lion Secretary Paul Easlic