Board of Directors Meeting 7/11/2012

Johnson City Lions Club Board Meeting Notes (LCI No. 5093)
Date: Thursday, 7/12/2012

The Regular Board Meeting was called to order at 12:25 PM by King Lion John Merriss.

The Board Members who have a “P” after their names were in attendance.
President John Merriss-P
Immediate Past President Steve Campbell-
1st Vice-President Paul Easlic-P
2nd Vice-President Sterling Winn-P
3rd Vice-President George Winton-P
Secretary Paul Easlic-P
Projects Treasurer Ed Gibbons-
Administrative Treasurer Debbie Shipley-
Tail Twister Ken Gough-P
Lion Tamer CB Willis-
2 Year Director Lynda Gochenouer-P
(2nd Year of Two Year) John Vandreumel-
(2nd Year of Two Year) Debbie Merritt-
Special Two Year Director CB Willis-
No other Lions were in attendance.
Minutes of Business Meeting:
Treasures’ Reports:
2. Projects Treasurer:
Income $1,239.97 Expenses $810.00 Profit $429.97 Total Liabilities and Equity $21,909.98
3. Administrative Treasurer: No report.
4.  As required in Article VI in the Club’s constitution the secretary reported that the following active Lions have missed the past four consecutive meetings or more without makeup: No report was made.

5.  As required in Article VI in the Club’s constitution the secretary reported the following  Lions who are arrears in dues: No report was made.

6. Committee Reports:
Public Relations: No Report.
Eyeglasses Recycling: Lion Ken Gough will receive approximately 3,000-4,000 pair of eyeglasses to take to Roanoak in the fall.
Membership and Retention: No Report.
Programs:  No Report.
Sight Conservation: No Report.
Budget and Finance: No Report.
Turtle Derby: SELL TURTLES!!!
Zone Meeting: No Report.
Lions Signs: No Report.
Membership: No Report.
New Member Training: No Report.
Health and Welfare: No Report.
Nuts and Bolts: No Report.
Conventions and Training: No Report.
Kid’s Sight Vision Screenings: Next screening will be on July 25, 21012, if you can volunteer contact Lion CB Willis.
Little League: No Report.
Pecans: No Report.
LCIF: No Report.
7. Old Business: None
8. New Business:
Lion Ken Gough has made changes to the website with an interactive calendar.  Please send him upcoming events so he can add them to the calendar.
Lion Ken Gough announced that the American Diabetes Association has fallen short of their fundraising goals.  He will email club members for private donations.
Lion George Winton announced that the Recording Services for the Blind’s Quilt Raffle are in need of quilts. If you can help contact Bob Clayton, King Lion Merriss has his email.
King Lion Merriss read a letter prepared by Vice District Governor Ed Gibbons for press release about our club.
King Lion John Merriss made a presentation on a membership luncheon.
Lion Lynda Gochenouer reported LVBI has no current projects.
Meeting was adjourned at 1:00.
Respectfully submitted July 12, 2012.
Lion Paul Easlic


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