Regular Meeting of 12/1/2011

Johnson City Lions Club regular noon meeting notes. (LCI No. 5093)
Date: Thursday, 12/1/2011

(16 members present – 1 guest)

The meeting was called to order at 12:29 PM by Vice President, Lion John Merriss, who called on Lion CB Willis to lead the pledge and PDG Lion Dennis Powell to ask for the blessing.

Lion Jerry Lonon won the drawing and donated the money to the gumball fund.

Lion John Merriss was happy to announce that Jim Paveglio has turned in a membership application.

Lion Dr. Winton provided the Salvation Army bell ringing schedule. The location is upper level Belk entrance.

Lion Ed Gibbons auctioned off a beautiful poinsettia.

Lion CB Willis said the pecans sale is going great. Don’t forget to turn in proceeds. 

Program Chair Lion Paul Easlic introduced today’s speaker, Lester Lattany, President/CEO Washington County United Way. He gave a presentation on the overall scope of services they provide for our community.

The meeting was adjourned at 12:50 PM.

 – Lion Paul Easlic, 2nd Vice President


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