Johnson City Lions Club regular noon meeting notes. (LCI No. 5093)
Date: Thursday, 11/17/2011
(16 members present – 1 guest)
The meeting was called to order at 12:29 PM by president, King Lion Steve Campbell, who called on Lion Jerry Lonon to lead the pledge and PDG Lion Dennis Powell to ask for the blessing.
Chad Hagy was introduced as a guest and prospective member. This was Chad’s first visit and (in spite of what he saw today) said he plans to come back.
Lion Sterling Winn won the drawing and donated the money to the Tail Twister’s fund.
Lion Ken Gough asked about the bell ringing schedule because he said he noticed that bell ringing had already begun else ware and he’s itching to get started. Lion Dr. Winton said he would get the schedule together ASAP.
Lion Ed Gibbons auctioned off the tickets for the “Autisim Speaks” dinner being held this Saturday evening at the Doubletree Hotel for children who suffer from Autisim.
Lion Sterling Winn auctioned off a Lowes gift card and got $5.00 for it which was added to the Tail Twisters’ fund.
Lion Clem Wilkes said it’s easy to sell pecans if you send everybody on your email list a notice that the pecans are in and what the proceeds are used for.
The Country Club may be closed the first two Thursdays in January. It was decided that if that happens one of the regularly scheduled meetings that month will be dropped.
Nothing was said about selling new turtle sponsorships for next year’s Derby.
Speaking of the TD, the best time to sell a sponsorship is right after you sold one while you enthusiasm is high. The second best time is when you’ve gone for a month or longer without selling even one. The worst time is to wait until a couple of weeks before the derby.
Program Chair Lion Paul Easlic introduced today’s speaker, Sue Orr, Executive Director of the Johnson City Senior Center. There’s a lot going on this fiftieth year at the SC and Sue had the pictures to prove it. She also gave each Lion a copy of Senior Lifestyles – a monthly newspaper designed to let seniors know what’s happening at the center.
The meeting was adjourned at 12:59 PM.
Our next regular meeting will be in two weeks: Thursday, December 1st.
John J Merriss