The Johnson City Lions Club met Thursday October 17th 2019 at the JC Country Club. Those present were: Dennis Powell, Brian Powell, Ken Gough, Theresa Gibbons, George Winton, Jerry Lonon, Justin Mitchell, Judy VanLandingham, David Beerman, Steve Campbell, Ed Gibbons, Debbie Shipley, Tim Tapp, and Billy Pike.
The Lion Tamer collected 1.30 and the Tail Twister collected 6.80 for a total of 8.10. Dennis Powell won the drawing and designated the money for Turtle Derby.
President Shipley called the meeting to order and asked Jerry Lonon to lead the pledge and Brian Powell to lead in prayer.
Ken Gough thanked the participants who went on the Roanoke Recycling trip. He reported 60-65,000 pair of glasses being processed. There was a record turn out of 22 participants from District 12 N
Ed Gibbons thanked those who had helped with eye screenings.
Special Guest Lion Wayne Garland District Zone Chair brought greetings to the club.
Appreciation was expressed to Justin Mitchell for his work in eyeglass sales. This is a new way to raise funds from vintage glasses found in our collection boxes. So far, Justin has gone through 6000 pair of glasses and has sold 165.00 to go back into the projects fund.
Special Guest Speaker was Rachel Denny from Isaiah 117 House. Ed Gibbons introduced Rachel and she presented a great program about the service that Isaiah house provides to the Dept. of Children’s services. Our club gave a donation to Isaiah house and is giving members the opportunity to give during our meeting today.
With no further business to come before the club the meeting was adjourned.
Respectfully Submitted,
Tim Tapp – Secretary