Johnson City Lion’s Club – 3/2/17
The JC Lion’s Club met for its regular meeting at the JC Country Club on 3/2/17. Those present were Lion President Steve Campbell, Past President Lion Ken Gough, Lion Ed Gibbons, Lion Brian Powell, Lion Gayle Cox, Lion George Winton, Lion Jerry Lonon and Lion Billy Pike, and 2 guest speakers.
The meeting was called to order by Lion President Steve Campbell with Lion Jerry Lonon leading the pledge and Lion Brian Powell leading in prayer. Lion Tamer Brian Powell collected $1.50 fines. Lion Jerry Lonon won the drawing.. Lion Tail Twister was absent; but Lion George Winton served as acting Lion Tail Twister and collected $1.80 in fines.
Lion President Steve Campbell asked if there were any announcements:
- Lion Ken Gouge reminded the club that the Pavilion Dedication is scheduled for March 16th following our regular meeting at 1:30 p.m. We need to have a good turnout.
- Lion Ken Gouge announced that the pruning of the cherry trees has been put on the schedule and Park dept. has said it will be done by pavilion dedication day.
- Lion President Steve Campbell announced that neither he nor Lion Gayle Cox will be able to attend next week’s regularly scheduled board meeting. Therefore, a motion was made by Lion Ken to cancel the meeting, Lion Gayle seconded the motion, and the motion was carried. NO BOARD MEETING IN MARCH!
- Lion Ken announced that Saturday, April 18th we’re looking to take a trip to Roanoke for scheduled work day. If have used glassed to donate, please bring in by next meeting.
- Lion Ed Gibbons announced that the state convention is scheduled for May 5-6 in Sevierville; and that our district is in charge of event. He also announced that national convention is June 28th-July 2 in Chicago.
Following announcements, Lion President Steve Campbell introduced the day’s speaker: Andy Holt and Whitney Larkin from Mountain States Health Alliance (MSHA) Volunteers Office. Andy showed us a brief video that explains “the what” behind the volunteers organization; and then he talked a little about “the why” people are need and like to volunteer. He cited that young people generally like to volunteer because (1) Training for med school, (2) See if medical field is what they really want to do, (3) They care and want to make a difference. And then Andy cited that senior citizens generally like to volunteer because (1) Socialization opportunity, (2) It’s a tremendous blessing, (3) To feel young—it’s truly like a fountain of youth. In fact, studies have showed that people who volunteer are physically and mentally healthier. Finally, Andy stated how the volunteering is a win-win for everyone involved.
With no further business to come before the club, the meeting was adjourned by Lion President Steve Campbell.
Respectfully Submitted,
Lion Brian Powell (Lion Secretary Tim Tapp had a work-related conflict and unable to attend meeting)