J.C. Lions Club Board Meeting

Thursday April 13, 2016 – Johnson City Country Club


Lions Present: Steve Campbell, Ed Gibbons, Ken Gough, Brian Powell, Dennis Powell, Tom Terry, Don Raines, George Winton, Tim Tapp, Jerry Lonon.


The meeting was called to order by President Steve Campbell.

Ken Gough made the motion to accept the minutes of the February meeting (emailed to each member in March – no march meeting) and Ed Gibbons provided a second to the motion. All were in favor and the minutes were approved as presented.

Ed Gibbons gave the Projects Fund report. Our income was 895.40 and our expenses were 3,831.61 for a total of -2,936.21.  We have a total of 27,647.98 in the checking account (projects) and 2,532.78 in savings.  In two months we have provided 51 eye exams/glasses.  Jerry Lonon made a motion to accept the treasurers report as presented and Ken Gough provided a second to the motion.  The motion passed.

Administrative Funds report was not available at this time.

There are no delinquent members at this time but we do have those who do not or are unable to attend but are still current in their dues and correspondence. Linda Gochenhour is an affiliate member who has not attended in at least two years.

A discussion was held on the cherry trees at the country club. After a time of discussion it was decided that we table the discussion until a later date.

Secretary Tapp mentioned that the Pavilion project counted as a Centennial Service Project and as an environmental project. The only project remaining to complete our Centennial Service Challenge is a youth oriented project. Don Raines made the motion that we look into whether or not a scholarship would be counted as a Centennial Service Project.  Dennis Powell provided a second.  All were in favor and the motion passed.

Ken Gough made the motion that the scholarship go to the next school in the rotation with a second by Dennis Powell. All were in favor.

Ken Gough reported a good trip to Roanoke for eyeglass recycling. Knoxville had an estimated 20,000 pair of eyeglasses and Ken took around 4300 from our area (2600 JC, 750 Eliz., 1000 Greeneville)

Some discussion was held on the Smoky Mountain Vision Van and our attempts to get the van into our area. After much discussion, Jerry Lonon made the motion to continue doing exams and eyeglasses the way we are doing at present without assistance from the vision van.  Dennis Powell provided a second to the motion.  9 were in favor with 1 opposed.

Ed Gibbons challenged each person on the board to try and bring in at least one new member this calendar year.  We could also benefit from more of our members making effort to make meetings and service projects.

Ed Gibbons announced Convention May 5 and 6. Don Raines made the motion to give a banner to the new club in Sevierville.  Ken Gough made a second to the motion.  All were in favor.

With no other business to come before the board the meeting was adjourned.


Respectfully Submitted,

Tim Tapp – secretary


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