J.C. Lions 1st June Meeting
Thursday June 1, 2017
Johnson City Country Club
Lions Present: Steve Campbell, Gayle Cox, Ed Gibbons, Ken Gough, Mike Errico, Frank Ray, Brian Powell, Dennis Powell, Don Raines, Jerry Lonon, Tim Tapp
Call to Order by Lion King – Gayle Cox
Lion Don Raines was called upon to lead the pledge and Lion Tim Tapp was called upon to lead in prayer.
Tail Twister Frank Ray collected 4.87 and Lion Tamer Mike Errico collected 1.10. Jerry Lonon won the drawing and requested that the money be donated to the Milligan College Scholarship Fund.
President Gayle Cox read a thank you card from scholarship recipient Kali Hagood from Volunteer High School.
Lion Ken Gough gave a report on the cherry trees in Lion’s Park. Lion Ken has spoken extensively with the Parks and Rec dept. and the idea under consideration is to attempt to save the good trees and eradicate the dead or diseased trees. It is possible to take cuttings from the older trees and graft them into new stock so that we will have part of the original trees. The Parks and Rec Director James Ellis will be at our July meeting to discuss this. Dennis Powell noted that new trees would cost around 1200.00
Lion Frank Ray is this month’s program chair and he introduced Bob Hall from Family Promise as today’s speaker. Family Promise has been in existence for 17 years and attempts to keep homeless families together. There are a variety of services that Family Promise offers. The guests go through an interview process and have extensive case management once they are in the program. Area churches provide housing in their buildings during the evenings and the Family Promise Day Center works with them on job skills, personal life skills, counseling, etc. if they are not working. They also teach courses on budgeting and assist with personal budgeting. All that they do is an attempt to get them into housing and to keep them from being homeless again. They have a follow up program as well.
Several lions had questions after the presentation.
President Cox thanked Mr. Hall for coming and told him that he would be presented a mug after next week’s meeting.
With no further business or news to come before the club the meeting was adjourned.4
Respectfully Submitted
Tim Tapp – Secretary