Johnson City Lion’s Club
February Board Meeting/ 2-9-17
Present: Steve Campbell, Brian Powell, Dennis Powell, Ed Gibbons, George Winton, Jerry Lonon, Don Raines, Gayle Cox, Ken Gough, Tim Tapp.
Business: President Steve Campbell called the meeting to order. Ed Gibbons was called upon to bring the financial report. Since we did not have a January board meeting, PDG Gibbons gave the financials status from 12/8/16-2/9/17. Total Income for that time period was $7,274.11 and expenditures were $4,563.90. 34 pair of eyeglasses were purchased in that time frame. Total cash in all accounts was $31,751.01. Expenses were 36,723.84. Gayle Cox made motion to accept this report and Ken Gough seconded the motion. All were in favor.
Dennis Powell will be in charge of programs for February, Ken Gough in March and Don Raines in April.
Ken Gough reported that the picnic pavilion is finished and arrangements have been made for dedication ceremony on March 16, 2017 at 1:00 pm. Ken made the motion to have the ceremony with a second by Ed Gibbons. All were in favor
Dennis Powell was presented with the Centennial Membership Award by Lions International.
Ed. Gibbons made the announcement that there was money still available from Sight First funds and that LCI is allowing that money to come back to the club. AS members are located they are being asked if the money they donated can indeed be brought back to the club. Several have been contacted and indicated that they were in favor. Dennis Powell made the motion that these funds be placed back into club funds and that the money be used to apply for Melvin Jones Fellows. Gayle Cox made a second to the motion. All were in favor.
D.J. Naron has resigned due to the failing health of her parents. Ken Gough made a motion to accept her resignation with a second by George Winton and all were in favor. Larry McDaniel has also resigned. Ken Gough made the motion to accept his resignation with a second by George Winton. All were in favor.
Tim Tapp presented the Membership Report and discussed the possibility of a “youth project”.
Some discussion came about in regard to pruning the cherry trees. Ken Gough believes that we need to talk to Parks and Rec but others stated that we have tried that approach before to no avail. The motion was made that Ken speak to the Parks and Rec leadership first and if unsuccessful we would seek bids to have them pruned. Ed Gibbons made the motion with a second by Gayle Cox. All were in favor.
Brian Powell noted that the membership tags need to be updated and that he is looking into purchasing new ones. Ken Gough made the motion to allocate up to $150.00 for the project and George Winton provided a second to the motion. The motion passed. Ed Gibbons added that we need a new stand for our banner and he will check on prices in the near future.
With no further business to come before the board the meeting was adjourned.
Respectfully Submitted,
Tim Tapp- Secretary