Johnson City Lion’s Club Meeting June 20,2019

The JC Lions Club met for its regular June meeting and the following Lions were present: Ken Gough, Gayle Cox, Don Raines, Tom Terry, Ed Gibbons, Debbie Shipley, Tim Tapp, Doris Kaifa, Billy Pike, and Judy VanLandingham.  Today’s Guests were Herb Greenlee and Amy Tapp


The meeting was called to order by President Debbie Shipley who also led in the pledge to the flag. Tim Tapp was called upon for prayer..

President Shipley made several announcements including the fact that the lettering on the pavilion is complete and the city has taken care of the cost. Thanks to Gayle Cox for all of his leg work on this.

Lion Ed Gibbons, a Past District Governor and illustrious member of our club, installed officers who were unable to be installed at the regular installation ceremony in May. Ken Gough was installed as treasurer, Doris Kaifa was installed as Lion Tamer, and Tim Tapp was installed as Secretary.

Judy VanLandingham was inducted into membership with Ed Gibbons conducting that ceremony. She was presented her new member credentials and new member kit and her sponsor Doris Kaifa was also recognized.

Doris Kaifa introduced Mr. Herb Greenlee who has spent many years serving our community as a servant leader. Mr. Greenlee has especially invested his life into the youth of our community.  He spoke on how his life was impacted by mentors and how he is seeking to begin a mentorship program through the Carver Rec. Center.  Mr. Greenlee was presented a Lions Club pen in appreciation for his program today.

Debbie Shipley one the drawing once again which has started an investigation to see if the drawing is rigged in favor of the president. She got away with 3.75 which she donated to the Turtle Derby.  This was a great sacrifice because now that she is retired she can use all of the extra funds she can muster.   In all seriousness, Debbie is a great sport and we are proud to have her serving as the president of our club.

President Shipley announced that there will be no meeting on July 4th.

With no further business to come before the club, the meeting was adjourned.

Respectfully Submitted,

Tim Tapp – Secretary

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