Johnson City Lions Club August 1, 2019 – Johnson City Country Club, 12 noon
The meeting was called to order by President Debra Shipley. Lion Tim Tapp led in the pledge and Lion Brian Powell led the invocation. We participated in a video greeting card for Lion Clem Wilkes who has been under the weather.
The Lion Tamer collected 1.70 and the Tail Twister collected 4.30. the winner of the drawing was Gayle Cox and he asked that the money be donated to the Milligan College Scholarship Fund.
Those in attendance today were: Brian Powell, Tim Tapp, Debbie Shipley, Ed Gibbons, Doris Kaifa, David Beerman, Judy VanLandingham, Judaun Alison, George Winton, Charles Green, Gayle Cox, Jerry Lonon, Don Raines, Ken Gough. Our guests were Linda, Harry Ennis, Carol and Bill McDonald. We also sang happy birthday to Bill McDonald and Judy VanLandingham.
After several announcements of upcoming events, President Shipley introduced DG Carol McDonald who shared several things especially the exciting news of a new club in the works. Tusculum University hopes to have a campus club beginning this Fall Semester. She also reminded us of the district cabinet meeting and the district convention.
President Shipley presented a Lion’s Club Pen to DG Carol.
Lion Judy VanLandingham talked about some opportunities to promote Lions Volunteer Blind Industries. Harris Ennis reminded everyone of the October Eyeglass recycling event in Roanoke.
With No further business to come before the board the meeting was ajourned.
Respectfully Submitted,
Tim Tapp – Secretary