Johnson City Lion’s Club

2nd Regular August Meeting

August 17, 2017   Johnson City Country Club

The Lions of Johnson City met for our regular meeting on the above date at the country club. Those present were Lions: Sam Messimer, George Winton, Ken Gough, Brian Powell, Tim Tapp, King Lion Gayle Cox, Jerry Lonon, Mike Errico, Ed Gibbons, C.B. Willis, Don Raines, Billy Pike, Steve Campbell and guests: Mayor David Tomita and Jeff Derby of the News And Neighbor.

The meeting was called to order by King Lion Gayle Cox. Ken Gough was filling in for the Tail Twister and collected 3.87 in fines.  Mike Errico was fulfilling his duties as Lion Tamer and collected 2.65 in fines.  The drawing was won by Sam Messimer who dedicated the money to Turtle Derby.


Sam Messimer led the pledge to the flag and Tim Tapp prayed to open the meeting.

Announcements: Ed Gibbons had several announcements to make including the schedule for Eye Screenings in the school system (attached).  He also noted that RAM would be in Gray in November and asked for volunteers for the event.

PDG Paulette Bailey has sent a request for scrapbook items recording history of the Lion’s club and individual members.

Gayle Cox noted that he did a “walk thru” of the Park and noted that it looked really good. He encouraged all of us to check it out.

George Winton announced the date for the Turtle Derby as October 19th and said that all sales sheets should have been sent out by the sales manager Frank Ray.  He thanked Jeff Derby for his presence today to report on the Turtle Derby Kickoff.

Don Raines introduced Mayor David Tomita who gave a great deal of information regarding things going on in Johnson City. He discussed the city budget, future projects, and answered questions.   He did mention that since Lion Clem Wilkes made a disparaging remark about him in an email to other Lions that he will make it a point to “kill” the Knob Creek Overpass Project of which Clem is so enthusiastic.  Clem honored the mayor by his absence at this meeting.  He will surely make up the missed meeting when he feels we have a better speaker.  Thankfully, the mayor has a great sense of humor and the Lions had a good time with all of this rhetoric.

Note: Lions Serve but they also have fun meetings!

With no further business to come before the club, the meeting was adjourned.

Respectfully Submitted,

Tim Tapp – Secretary

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