Lion’s Club Board Meeting

August 10, 2017

  1. C. Country Club


The J.C. Lion’s Club held its monthly board meeting on August 10, 2017 at the J.C. Country Club. Those in attendance were PP Steve Campbell, PDG Ed Gibbons, Jerry Lonon, Brian Powell, Tim Tapp and George Winton.  Tim Tapp was substituting for President Gayle Cox who had another engagement.

The meeting was called to order and the following announcements were made:

  • A $100 donation was received from Janice McClanahan in memory of Ralph Jones.
  • October 19th is the Turtle Derby and August 17th is the sales kickoff.
  • August 17 regular meeting will have David Tomita and the local media for the Turtle Derby Promotion.


The minutes had previously been submitted electronically and a motion was made by Ed Gibbons to approve the minutes with a second by Don Raines. All were in favor.

Ed Gibbons presented the Treasurers report and noted expenses for 22 eye exams and glasses for a total of $1,265.00. We had an income of 537.90 and are left with a balance of 2,538.28 in savings and 22, 186.23 in checking.  Steve Campbell offered a second to this motion and all were in favor to approve the treasurers report.


Old Business: 70th Anniversary celebration is coming this Fall.  At this time a date has not been chosen but it is tentatively set for November.

Gayle Cox is looking into placing a memorial in Lion’s Park in honor of Ralph Jones years of service to the community.

New Business: Ed Gibbons noted that we have received approval to transfer the accumulated funds from sight first donations to Melvin Jones Fellowship credit.  The total on this transfer is $2,483.31.

Ed has also been contacted by a special education teacher in Illinois asking for assistance for a Johnson City resident who will be attending the School for the Blind. These funds will be used for school supplies.  It was recommended that we provide $250.00 toward these supplies.   The funds will come from the Leader Dog budget.  George Winton provided a second to that motion.  All were in favor.

Remote Area Medical will be at the Appalachian Fairgrounds November 3-5 and they need volunteers. We can register at http://volunteer.ramusa.org

Ed also noted the eye screenings for the Johnson City schools and that he needs assistance with these.

A brief discussion was held regarding working with the city in getting cameras installed at the park. There has been some news of recent assaults in the park and it is believed that cameras would deter this.  No decision was made.

With no further business to come before the board the meeting was adjourned


Respectfully submitted,


Tim Tapp – Secretary


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