The Johnson City, Lions Club met for its regular meeting on Thursday September 3, 2020 at 12 noon at the Johnson City Country Club. Present at the meeting were Lions Brian Powell (President), Don Raines, Ed Gibbons, Jerry Lonon, George Winton, Steve Campbell and Doris Kaifa (secretary) and guests Chaitra, Sathvik, and Dhruv Ramu..
The meeting was called to order by President Brian Powell. Steve Campbell led the opening prayer.
Steve Campbell won the drawing. He donated the money to the Turtle Derby.
Lion Ed was accompanied by guests, Sathvik Ramu, 14 years old from University High school, Johnson City, along with his mother (Chaitra) and little brother, Dhruv.
The president asked the Tail Twister to tell a joke. Don Raines (Tail twister) turned to Jerry Lonon for a joke, but he was not ready. George Winton came to the rescue and give a clean joke.
President Brian Powell asked for updates from the various committees.
Don Raines (Tail Twister) and George Winton give an update on the Turtle Derby.
The Turtle Derby is going to be held at the Boys & Girls club on October 10th at 10 am.
A motion was passed to give $100 to the cost of advertising for the Turtle Derby. News release was sent out on 9/3/2020.
Lion Ed stated he had ordered more nuts and bolts and distributed them.
Vision Screening is postponed to next January 2020.
Lion Ed will be ordering pecans and hopefully they will be in by November 1st.
The president announced that Board meeting will be on next week Thursday September 10th. The next regular meeting will be held on October 1st, 2020.
Other business:
Lion Ed announced that a lady needed help with shipping boxes to her family in the Philippines. She’s asking the club for help.
There was no further business to come before the club.
The meeting was adjourned by the president.
At your service,
Doris Kaifa-Secretary