The Johnson City Lions Club Board of Directors met on Thursday August 13, 2020 at 12 noon at the Johnson City Country Club. Present at the meeting were Lions Brian Powell (President), Ken Gough, Don Raines, Ed Gibbons, Jerry Lonon, George Winton, Debbie Shipley, Steve Campbell and Doris Kaifa (secretary).
The meeting was called to order by President Brian Powell.
Minutes of the July 2020 Board meeting and the August 6th, 2020 regular meeting were approved as presented.
Lion Ken Gough (treasurer) presented the financial report for July, which was approved as presented.
Lions George and Don give an update on the Turtle Derby. Two venues were suggested, the Boys and Girls Club and the Lion Park. The venues were discussed. However, it was not conclusive as to which of the two venues would be used. Other discussions centered around how the Turtle Derby was going to be held, but there was no conclusion.
Lion Debbie reported that she was contacted by Johnson City School system about suspending the eye screening this Fall due to COVID 19. There will likely be no eye screening due to COVID 19.
Lion Ken asked the club to bring him used eyeglasses.
Lion Debbie reported that a letter was received from the Gum Ball machine company stating it will no longer maintain the Gum Ball machine because they are going out of business.
Lion Ed reported that he will be ordering Pecans in October.
The president stated that since the club voted to do one regular meeting and one board meeting per month, the next regular meeting would be held on September 3rd and Board meeting on September 10th, 2020.
Lion Debbie will be attending Zone Chair meeting training on Saturday August 15th in Morristown.
Lion Debbie reminded everyone to start thinking about plan for the upcoming Holiday.
With no other discussion to come before the club the meeting was adjourned by the President, Lion Brian Power.
In your Service,
Doris Kaifa, Secretary.