Meeting notes from the 1st regular meeting of the Johnson City Lions Club for June held Thursday, June 4th, at the Johnson City Country Club, Johnson City, TN 37601.
(11 members present)
The meeting was called to order at 12:27 PM by 1st VP Steve Campbell.
Lion Mark Fox (yeah, he was in attendance) and DG Lion Ed Gibbons led the pledge.
There were no guests.
Lion George Winton won the drawing and gave the loot to the Turtle Derby.
Lion Gibbons announced that the new Elizabethton Club will hold their Charter night meeting on July 9th and he would like to see a big turn-out at that meeting from our club’s members.
Lion Gibbons also asked that two needs be taken up at next Thursday’s Board meeting:
1. Consider the purchase of a new camera for this club so the Elizabethton Club can start doing eye screenings ASAP.
2. A way to support the new Elizabethton financially to help them get started with an Admin Fund.
Lion Lonon gave us an up-date on Mary Powell; she finished therapy yesterday but is still experiencing some discomfort. Lion Gibbons said Lion Theresa gibbons is suffering from back problems which are very painful. Please keep Mary and Theresa in your prayers.
Don’t forget new officer training will be held on June 16th at Shoney’s restaurant starting with dinner at 6PM. Even if you’re not an officer plan on attending because you’re going be needed as one soon.
June Barrett, founder of the Crumley House, is tentatively scheduled to be our speaker at 2nd regular meeting in June – June 18th. Also at that same meeting Lion Street will, at long last, be installed as our newest member.
Meeting was adjourned at 12:52 PM.
Respectively submitted 6/4/2015
Lion John Merriss
Next Board Meeting will be next Thursday, June 11th, 2015.
Next regular meeting is Thursday, June 18th, 2015. Bring a prospective new member.