Meeting Notes May 21, 2015

Meeting notes from the 2nd regular meeting of the Johnson City Lions Club for May held Thursday, May 21,2015 at the Johnson City Country Club, Johnson City, TN 37601.

(8 members present)

The meeting was called to order at 12:25 PM by President Lion Ken Gough.

Lion Tom Terry led the pledge and Lion CB Willis asked the blessing.

There were no guests and Lion Don Raines won the drawing but didn’t have any claim on the winnings because he wasn’t in attendance at the last regular meeting.

King Gough filled up some remaining vacancies for committee chairs for all but one or two positions which he has to confirm with those who indicated interest before completing that task. A few of the members that were present left the meeting with somewhat sore arms but glad to be considered for their leadership potential.

King Lion re-emphasized the need to build membership this year. 1st VP Steve Campbell will chair the membership committed and New Member Training assisted by DG Lion Gibbons. Speaking of new member prospects, the King pointed out the need for new young blood (not that there’s anything wrong with old blood) it just makes sense that the younger folks will guarantee continued success for this great organization for years to come. He suggested that when you bring a prospect once a month, every month, that you make sure that prospect is younger than you. Young at heart doesn’t count.

Lion Larry Street will be our new Zone Chair this year.

New officer training will be held on June 16th at Shoney’s restaurant starting with dinner at 6PM.

Lion Tom Terry moved that $250.00 being donated for a vision mission trip this summer be transferred from the President’s Discretionary Fund in the Administrative Budget to Miscellaneous in the Projects Budget. 2nd by Don Raines, the motion passed unanimously.

New officers will be installed at the first regular meeting in June. God help us!

Thanks to Lion Terry, June Barrett, founder of the Crumley House, is tentatively scheduled to be our speaker at 2nd regular meeting in June – June 18th. Also at that same meeting Lion Street will, at long last, be installed as our newest member.

Meeting was adjourned at 12:51 PM.

Respectively submitted 5/7/2015
Lion John Merriss

Next regular meeting is Thursday, June 4th, 2015. Bring a prospective new member!

Next Board Meeting will be Thursday, June 11th, 2015.

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