The Johnson City, Lion club met for its regular meeting on Thursday July 16th, 2020 at 12 noon at the Johnson City Country Club. Present at the meet were Lion Brian Powell (President), Lion Ken Gough, Lion Don Raines, Lion Ed Gibbons, Lion Jerry Lonon, Lion George Winton, Lion Steve Campbell, Lion Debbie Shipley and Lion Doris Kaifa (secretary).
The meeting was called to order by President Brian Powell. Lion Steve Campbell led the opening prayer.
Lion Debbie Shipley won the drawing and donated the money to the Turtle Derby.
The President read a letter from the 2nd scholarship recipient, Miss Street in which she expresses her thanks and appreciation to the club.
The president requested that the Tail Twister, in addition to collecting fines, also tell a daily joke or make a comment, etc. Lion Jerry Lonon then told a clean joke.
Tail Twister Lion Don Raines got into action by fining the members and auctioned a face mask for a dollar.
The president announced that the District Meeting is this Saturday July 18th, at Morristown. Lion Ed Gibbons and Lion Doris Kaifa will be attending.
Lion Ken Gough reminded members to bring used eyeglasses to the next meeting.
President Brian Powell asked for updates from the various committee. There was no update. However, Lion Don Raines suggested that the Turtle Derby be done virtually via Facebook Live at the Bristol Racetrack.
Lion Ed Gibbons asked members to reconsider meeting one time a month due to the epidemic. The president decided that members should vote on Lion Ed’s suggestion. He will send out an email that will allow every member to vote or give their feedback on the suggestion.
The president announced that next meeting will be held on August 6th, 2020.
There was no further business to come before the club.
The meeting was adjourned by the president.
At your service,
Doris Kaifa-Secretary