The Johnson City Lion’s Club met for its regular meeting on June 6, 2019 at the Johnson City Country Club. Those present were Brian Powell, Ken Gough, George Winton, Don Raines, Steve Campbell, Jerry Lonon, VanLandingham, Tom Terry, David Beerman, Ed Gibbons, Doris Kaifa, Debbie Shipley, Tim Tapp, Judaun Allison and guests Aaron Murphy and Justin Mitchell.
The meeting was called to order by President Debbie Shipley who also led the club in the pledge of allegiance. President Shipley called on Brian Powell to open in prayer.
President Shipley read a thank you note from a member of the community who had benefitted from our vision services. She also presented an award to Tim Tapp for membership growth in the 2018-19 club year.
Lion Ed Gibbons announced that the Turtle Derby is scheduled for July 6th.
Lion Ed also noted that there had been 193 Eyeglass applications from July 1st until present. This comes to a total of 17,000.00. this is why fundraising is so important. Lion Ed thanked the club for working and raising money.
The Lion Tamer collected 2.35 and the Tail Twister collected 3.11. Debbie Shipley won the drawing and she designated the Turtle Derby as the recipient of the funds.
Steve Campbell introduced guest and potential member Justin Mitchell.
Doris Kaifa introduced Aaron Murphy from Good Samaritan Ministries. Pastor Murphy share about the ministry and its work in the community.
President Shipley presented a Lions Club pen in appreciation for Pastor Murphy’s visit.
With no further business to come before the club the meeting was adjourned at 12:54 pm.
Respectfully Submitted,
Tim Tapp – Secretary