You missed a special meeting today. We had two of our distinguished members present. Lions CB Willis and PDG Dennis Powell. They both got proclamations for being in the Lions Club 63 years for Lion Dennis and 45 years for Lion CB. Mayor Jenny Brock of the City Of Johnson City did the proclamations declaring May 16th, 2019 Lion Dennis Powell and Lion CB Willis Day. Lion Dennis had his wife, Mary, and daughter Candance and granddaughter Mary Allice there also.
It was also our new president’s time to take the podium. (she did it last week for Lion Tim in his absence). In case you don’t know it’s our own Lion Debbie Shipley. To make it official though Lion PDG Ed Gibbons did the installation for the new officers present. Others will be installed later as well as new members. President Debbie gave Lion George Winton a nice statue of a Lion being Lion of the decade and Lion Brian Powell got a nice plaque for Lion of the Year. Letters of appreciation were given to Lion Steve Campbell, Lion Ed Gibbons, Lion David Howard, Lion Ken Gough, Lion Don Raines and Lion Jerry Lonon for their work in their respective Lions positions. Even long lost Lion Clem Wilkes and Lion Theresa Gibbons made it to the meeting. Lion Clem said he came to collect his perfect attendance pin. There were several perfect attendance pins given out, but alas not one for Lion Clem.
Congratulation to all who serve in Lions and especially those with longevity in LIONS SERVICE.