Members present: Jerry Lonon, David Howard, Ken Gough, Steve Campbell, Debbie Shipley, George Winton, Brian Powell, Ed Gibbons
The Board of Director’s meeting for the Johnson City Lions Club was called to order on 5/9/19 at 12:16 pm by First Vice President Debbie Shipley.
Lion Shipley presented the minutes from the last Board of Director’s meeting and Lion Ken Gough made the motion to approve said minutes and a second by Lion George Winton. Motion approved.
Lion Shipley called on the treasurer’s reports. Lion David Howard presented the Projects Treasurer’s report . Lion Ken Gough made the motion to approve the Projects Treasurer’s report, seconded by Lion Ed Gibbons and the motion was approved. Lion Debbie Shipley presented the Admin Fund and the motion to approve was made by Lion Ken Gough, seconded by Lion David Howard; motion approved.
Old Business:
Lion Ken Gough informed the board that the recycling center in Roanoke is overflowing with eyeglasses. He feels that this situation of shipping eyeglasses to mission areas are changing; more information will be forthcoming.
Lion Shipley brought up the subject of having a live Turtle Derby. Lion Ed Gibbons told the board that he received information from Scott Carter at ETSU. It appears that the only date that we can use the ETSU Baseball field is July 6, 2019. There was various discussions concerning this date and concern of selling the turtles in such a small time frame. We ended the discussion with Lion Ed going to check with ETSU to see if we can get a later date.
New Business:
Lion David Howard told the board that he will be moving to Georgia in July 2019. Lion Ken Gough volunteered to take over the Projects Fund treasurer’s job. We will miss you Lion David Howard and please stay in contact with us.
Lion Ed Gibbons passed out a sheet that included various optical equipment from Lion Billy Pike’s office. He suggested that we get with the Kingsport club and explore the opportunities; information will be forthcoming.
Next week we will have Awards Day and we will have the Johnson City Mayor in attendance.
The Board of Director’s meeting was promptly adjourned at 12:52 pm by Lion Debbie Shipl