Johnson City Lions Club regular noon meeting notes. (LCI No. 5093)
Date: Thursday, 9/1/2011
(14 members present – 8 guests)
The meeting was called to order at 12:15 PM by president, King Lion Steve Campbell, who called on yours truly to lead the pledge and Lion PDG Dennis Powell to ask the blessing.
Lion Don Raines introduced the media: Don Hillman, Dave Hogan, Tony Duncan, Chris McIntosh, and Sue Legg.
Lion Sterling Winn held an auction for this weekend’s game at UT with all proceeds going to the Turtle Derby. There were no takers.
Lion Ken Gough presented an award to Jerry Jones and was accepted by Lion Debbie Merritt.
Lion Ken Gough introduced a guest, Mr. Troy Greenwell; he has given a donation worth $40,000 of hearing aids.
Lion Jerry Lonon won the drawing with the Turtle Derby getting the proceeds.
Lion Jim McFarland a guest from Knoxville gave a presentation/demo on Kid Sight and Sure Sight.
Lion George Winton gave a demo of our wonderful turtles. Lion Raines was bitten, hope he’s o.k.
King Lion Steve Campbell gave an overview of the Turtle Derby
Lion Don Raines gave an overview of Volunteer Blind Industries.
Lion PDG Dennis Powell gave an overview of the tornado relief.
The meeting was adjourned at 12:58 PM.
Our next regular meeting will be Thursday September 15th.
All Lions are invited to the next Board Meeting on September 8th.