Minutes of Aug. 18 Meeting

Johnson City Lions Club regular noon meeting notes.  (LCI No. 5093)
Date: Thursday, 8/18/2011

 (11 members present – 1 guest)

 The meeting was called to order at 12:32 PM by president, King Lion Steve Campbell, who called on Lion Debbie Shipley to lead the pledge and Lion Ed Gobbins to ask the blessing.

 Lion Ken Gough was the Official Greeter.

 Lynda Gochenouer picked the winner of the drawing and she won with all proceeds going to the Turtle Derby.               

 Lion CB Willis updated Pecan Sales:  For the last couple of years we have bought bags for $5.95 a pound, they have gone up to $5.85 for a 12 ounce bag.  The 16 ounce bag will be available for $7.75.  It was decided the club would sell the 12 ounce bag this year for $8.00.  Next meeting please be sure to sign up for how many cases you will need.

 Lion Winton announced Bob Clayton Services for the blind are seeking donations for camp next year.  A signup sheet was circulated for donations.  After all donations are collected a check will be sent by the club.

 Lion Winton also updated the Turtle Derby:  SELL, SELL, and SELL!!!

 Lion Debbie Shipley requested Lion John Merriss email Janice McClanahan to see if she will participate in the Turtle Derby sales this year.

 King Lion Steve Campbell announced that Nancy Hall has been named Global Leader Team Coordinator.  She needs volunteers to help prepare the District Leadership Development Plan.

Lion Ken Gough reminded everyone on October 29, 2011 Tennessee Lions will make the trip to Roanoke for eyeglass recycling.  Mark your calendars we need volunteers.

The first meeting in September we will have a presentation of the new eye screening procedure.

The meeting was adjourned at 1:00 PM.

Our next regular meeting will be in two weeks: Thursday September 1st.


All Lions are invited to the next Board Meeting on September 8th.

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