The JC Lion’s Club met in regular meeting at the JC Country Club on 5/19/16. Those present were Lions Steve Campbell, Ed Gibbons, Theresa Gibbons, Ken Gough, Jerry Lonon, Billy Pike, Brian Powell, Don Raines, Tim Tapp, Erica Briest (guest from Elizabethton club), and George Winton. PP and PDG Jim McFarland and Nicholas West were visiting from the West Knoxville Club.
The meeting was called to order by King Lion Elect Steve Campbell with Theresa Gibbons leading in the pledge and Brian Powell leading in prayer. Tail Twister George Winton collected 3.00 in fines and Lion Tamer Jerry Lonon collected 1.05 in fines. The drawing was won by Theresa Gibbons and she requested the money go to Sight Conservation.
In the way of announcements, the club received a thank you card from Mr. Zachary Bruton, the recipient of a Lion’s Club scholarship..
Lion Ed Gibbons introduced PP and PDG Jim McFarland from the West Knox Club. It was noted that Lion McFarland has held every office in his club. He spent the remainder of our meeting time speaking about the Vision Van and assisting us as we make plans to have the van in our area. His talk was very informative and he gave us the opportunity to ask questions and make informal plans for the vision van. We have 100 applications from Johnson City alone for screening and glasses so the need is present. The cost to the club will be 35.00 per person and we will need 23-25 people to work on the day of the screenings. The Elizabethton club and the Kingsport Club are willing to help with the understanding that we will repay the favor when the van comes to their areas. After much discussion and the question answer session, King Lion Elect presented PDG McFarland with a Lion’s Mug as a token of our appreciation.
The amended administrative budget is still being tweaked and should be ready for vote soon. Club officers will be installed on June 2, 2016.
With no further business to come before the group, the meeting was adjourned.
Respectfully submitted,
Tim Tapp- secretary