June 2, 2016
Lion’s Club Meeting
Johnson City Tennessee
The J.C. Lion’s Club met in regular session for its first meeting in June at the J.C. Country Club. Those in attendance were Steve Campbell, Jerry Lonon, Gayle Cox, Ed Gibbons, Brian Powell, D. J. Naron, George Winton, C.B. Willis, Dennis Powell, Ken Gough and Tim Tapp. Guests were Belinda Dillard (with C.B. Willis) and Carrie Tapp and Amy Tapp (with Tim Tapp).
The meeting was called to order by King Lion Ken Gough.
Lion Tamer Jerry Lonon led in the pledge to the flag and Lion SecretaryTim Tapp led in prayer. The Lion Tamer collected 1.17 in fines and The Tail Twister collected 3.00. The drawing was won by outgoing King Lion Ken Gough and he donated the money to the Turtle Derby.
King Lion Ken Gough asked for reports from around the room as to our work for the good of Lionism. Several people shared things that they were doing in the name of the Johnson City Lion’s Club.
PDG Ed Gibbons was introduced and did an excellent job of installing next year’s officers. Those officers present and installed were : Lion Tamer Brian Powell, Secretary Tim Tapp, 1st VP Gayle Cox, 2VP Jerry Lonon, Board of Directors George Winton, Jerry Lonon and President Steve Campbell.
The Gavel was passed to the new King Lion Steve Campbell. The new King Lion took charge of the meeting at this time and called the meeting to order under his administration.
Announcements were made concerning the district meeting on 7/16/16. Dennis Powell talked about how important these district meetings are and how they provide a “boost to the individual lion and the club as a whole”.
Jerry Lonon brought in an antique gumball machine to auction at this meeting. There were discussions as to hsow old the machine was and one member stated that they had not thought about the machines as a lion project in 40 years or more. Belinda Dillard who was visiting with Lion C.B. Willis won the auction with a bid of #5.00. She gave an additional donation of 20.00 for the good of lionism.
There were no other announcements and no further business. The meeting was adjourned until the board meeting next week.
Respectfully Submitted,
Lion Tim Tapp – Secretary