The Johnson City Lion’s Club met for the first meeting in July on the above date at the Johnson City Country Club.  Those Lions present were: King Lion Steve Campbell, PDG Ed Gibbons, Dennis Powell, C.B. Willis, Tom Terry, Jerry Lonon, Sterling Winn, Ken Gough, Don Raines, George Winton, Theresa Gibbons, D.J. Naron, Tim Tapp, Brandon Johnson (ETSU club) and Billy Pike.


The meeting was called to order by King Lion Steve Campbell with Lion Sterling Winn leading in the pledge and Lion Tim Tapp leading in prayer. The Lion Tamer collected 2.90 in fines and the Tail Twister collected 4.26.  The drawing was won by PDG Ed Gibbons and he donated the money to sight conservation.

King Lion Steve Campbell opened the floor for announcements and they were as follows:

Brandon Johnson from the ETSU club brought a beautiful framed print of a Lion and stated that he was going to raffle the painting with all of the proceeds going to West Virginia flood victims.  The gift will be made through LCIF. Brandon also noted that Gov. Haslam has named him to the Tennessee Volunteer Committee.  PDG Ed Gibbons noted that Brandon is in line to become the District Governor.

Lion Ken Gough mentioned that the next eye glass recycling trip would be September 24, 2016.  The group will travel to Roanoke with a huge delivery of glasses and he invited people to participate.

Saturday July 16, 2016- Farmer’s Market Eye Exam Booth.  The booth opens at 8:00 a.m. and will be in place until 11 or 11:30. Volunteers are needed.

It was noted that 175 pair of eyeglasses have been distributed since last year.  The tentative date for the Vision Van has been set for October 29. Volunteers are needed.

The Centennial Project was addressed as Lion Ken Gough made the announcement that Johnson City Parks and Recreation have asked us to think about building a picnic shelter.  The cost of this could be $5000.00 plus.  A motion was made by Don Raines with a second by Ed Gibbons that Ken continue to investigate this with a budget of $6,000.00.  All were in favor of the motion.

Lion’s Club International sent a congratulations letter and award for the Centennial Membership Award.  PDG Ed Gibbons was presented the award for his part in starting a new club in Elizabethton.

King Lion Steve Campbell yielded the floor to PDG Ed Gibbons who introduced Mr. Wayne Winkler of WETS radio.  Mr. Winkler has been researching the Melungeons since youth and has written a book and produced a radio documentary on the subject.  Mr. Winkler has been with WETS for 38 years and he gave a very informative and interesting talk on the Melungeons.  His book “Walk Toward the Sunset” was made available for purchase.  Several members remained and talked with him following the program.

Respectfully Aubmitted: Tim Tapp, Secy.

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