The Johnson City Lion’s Club held its July board meeting on July 14, 2016 at the Johnson City Country Club. Those in attendance were Mark Fox, George Winton, Brian Powell, Ken Gough, Debra Shipley, Tim Tapp, Jerry Lonon, and Ed Gibbons.
The meeting was called to order by Lion Jerry Lonon in the absence of President Steve Campbell. There were no minutes from the previous meeting due to the cancellation of last month’s meeting.
Debra Shipley provided the treasurer’s report indicating an income of $1,295.75 and 565.44 in expenses in May. This leaves a positive balance of 730.21. June checking balance was $7,034.40. No objections were raised and the report was approved as presented. Copies of the report are available upon request.
PDG Ed Gibbons reported on the eye screening that he and Lion Theresa performed at the Unicoi Head Start. 15 children were screened. He also announced the Health Fair Eye Screen at the Farmer’s Market this Saturday. Volunteers are needed.
PP Ken Gough has been in conversation with JC Parks and Rec. in regard to a centennial project. More information will be forthcoming.
PDG Ed Gibbons discussed the possibility of sponsoring Special Olympics as volunteers in the next year.
Membership goals were discussed and it was determined that a 10% increase might be a good goal. It was suggested that we strive to enlist 3-4 new members at least. The New District Governor has membership goals and will probably discuss them when she visits the club.
There being no further business to come before the board the meeting was adjourned. The next regular meeting will be Thursday July 21, 2016 at the regularly scheduled time.
Respectfully submitted,
Tim Tapp – Secretary