The Johnson City Lions Club met for its regular meeting on Thursday August 15th at 12 noon at the JC Country Club.
Those in attendance were: Jerry Lonon, Billy Pike, Ken Gough, David Beerman, Judy VanLandingham, Justin Mitchell, George Winton, Brian Powell, Debbie Shipley, Tim Tapp, Charles Green, Ed Gibbons, Doris Kaifa, and guest Mike Morton.
President Shipley called the meeting to order. Lion David Beerman led in the pledge to the flag and Lion Brian Powell led in the invocation. The Lion Tamer collected 1.35 and the Tail Twister collected 3.55. Jerry Lonon won the drawing and donated all of the winnings to the ETSU scholarship fund. Jerry really wanted to keep the money to put towards the down payment on a new Ferrari but he was bullied into giving the money to charity. Better luck next time Buffalo!
President Shipley called upon PDG Ed Gibbons to induct our new member Justin Mitchell. Ken Gough stood in for Justin’s sponsor Steve Campbell. We welcome Justin to our club and look forward to many years of his service in the club.
Ed Gibbons announced upcoming eye screening dates. The most recent one is August 21st.
Secretary Tim Tapp presented the program on his work at the Day Reporting Center. This is a drug and alcohol treatment facility operated but the Tennessee Dept. of Corrections. One of the successful graduates of the program, Mr. Mike Morton, also spoke. Mike has benefitted from eyeglasses provided by the club and he shared a word of thanks on behalf of all who have received vision assistance from our club.
With no further business to come before the club, the meeting was adjourned.
Respectfully Submitted,
Tim Tapp – Secretary