LION’S Club Minutes
September 1, 2016
The Johnson City Lion’s Club met in regular session for the 1st meeting of September 2016 at the Johnson City Country Club on 9/1/16. Those present were King Lion Steve Campbell, PDG Ed Gibbons, Theresa Gibbons, PP Ken Gough, Jerry Lonon, Bill Pike, Brian Powell, Dennis Powell, Don Raines, Tim Tapp, CB Willis, George Winton, D.J. Naron and her guest Paul Leardi from Pensacola Florida and DG Paulette Bailey.
It should be noted that Jerry Lonon was out of town for our last meeting in August but attended a Lion’s meeting in Sheridan Wyoming.
King Lion Campbell called the meeting to order and Dennis Powell led in the pledge and Tim Tapp led in prayer. The Lion Tamer collected 2.20 in fines and the Tail Twister collected 4.18. C.B. Willis won the drawing but we neglected to ask what fund he wanted the money deposited to. This will be corrected at the next regular meeting.
D.J. Naron introduced her friend/fiancé, Lion Paul Leardi who is the Tail Twister of his club in Pensacola Florida.
Lion and PDG Ed Gibbons had two announcements:
- 9/8/16- Elizabethton Lion’s club to do an eye screening using our camera. They estimate around 200 children to be screened.
- The new optometrist in Erwin is on board to help us and we need to thank Lion Bill Pike for explaining the program and what his assistance would mean to the people of Unicoi County.
Lion and PP Ken Gough had some announcements:
- 9/24 is the trip to Roanoke for Eyeglass collection and recycling. If you have glasses, you need to get them to Ken’s office before that date. He hopes to take 2000 pair.
- The Centennial Project materials list has come to a total of $7,262.00 before the signage (which will be an additional cost). We had decided on a $6,000.00 budget.
After this announcement PDG Ed Gibbons made a motion to make the budget for the project 7,262.00. There was a second to this motion by Lion Dennis Powell. Lion George Winton asked if they had a history of cost overrun. The question was answered that regardless of any overrun the club would pay up to $7,262.00. All were favor of the motion. Ken Gough will contact Parks and Recreation again.
Lion George Winton had an announcement regarding the Turtle Derby:
- He would check to see if the date could be changed to 10/20 due to the Science Hill football schedule and any interference that could come from that on the 21st.
There will be no meeting of the club on September 15, 2016.
PDG Ed Gibbons introduced DG Paulette Bailey who presented a certificate to PDG Gibbons for his training as a Guiding Lion. She also presented two patches for our banner for Centennial Service and Membership Growth Challenge Awards. During her time with us she talked about many of the positives of Lionism and gave some important dates for us to remember:
October 8- Fall Forum at Walters State community college.
November 12- LVBI Cabinet meeting
February 24-27- District Convention in Knoxville.
May 5-7 – Pigen Forge Conference
June 30-July 4- International Convention in Chicago.
King Lion Campbell presented DG Bailey with two checks. One was in honor of DG Bailey and was for 50.00 to LCIF. The other was for District 12N Charities and was for $1,000.00. A motion was made by PDG Ed Gibbons with a second by Dennis Powell that the $1000.00 be used to secure a Melvin Jones Fellowship for someone in the district. The person to receive the MJF should be selected by DG Paulette Bailey.
It was also noted that the district goal for net growth is 2%.
With no further business to come before the club the meeting was adjourned.
Respectfully Submitted,
Tim Tapp – Secretary