Johnson City Lion’s Club- Board Meeting Minutes- September 14, 2017- J.C. Country Club

The J.C. Lion’s Club regular September board meeting was held on the above date at the regular location.


President Gayle Cox called the meeting to order.


The reading of the minutes of the last board meeting was dispensed as they had already been distributed

to the membership via email and there were no corrections to be made.


The treasurer’s report was presented by Debbie Shipley. She reported a checkbook balance of 19,022.16 and a savings balance of 2533.28 for a total of 21,555.28.  A more detailed report is available upon request.


the projects fund report was presented by Ed Gibbons. He reported 1080.79 in expenses and this included 8 eye exams and eyeglasses.  236.95 was collected.  A more detailed report is available upon request.


Steve Campbell made a motion to accept the report and Don Raines provided a second to the motion. All approved.


Old Business:

RAM will be November 3-5 at the Fairgrounds in Gray. Sign up online as they really need our help.


We are reminded to bring items for the District Centennial Scrapbook project. We have until January to make our submission.


The 250.00 scholarship that was approved last month did not materialize. At the last minute the student did not need the funds.  The money was designated to the Erwin Eye Care fund.


New Business:


The TN Lion’s Charities sent information regarding the Lindsey Jennings Fellow (award). This award has a $1000.00 donation requirement.


LCIF is requesting a donation to hurricane relief.  Ed made the motion that we give 250 to Houston and 250 to Florida.  Steve Campbell provided the second to the motion.  All approved except Jerry Lonon who voted no because we did not help the Virgin Islands.  Even at board meetings Lions have fun.


Our two big fund raisers are upon us. Turtle Derby sales are underway for the October 19th Turtle Derby.  Pecan sales will begin soon after the pecans arrive.  They will be ordered October 1st.  Ed made a motion to pay in advance for the pecans and Debbie Shipley provided a second to the motion.  All were in favor.


Gayle Cox is looking for a program chair for November.


With no further business to come before the board, the meeting was adjourned.


Tim Tapp – Secretary


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