Meeting 10/5/2017
The J.C. Lion’s club met for its first regular meeting in October on the above date at the country club. Those in attendance were Lions: Steve Campbell, C.B. Willis, Ed Gibbons, Gayle Cox, Tim Tapp, Brian Powell, Don Raines, Ken Gough, Jerry Lonon, George Winton and Frank Ray. Guests were David Roach, Harry Ennis and Michael Barron.
President Gayle Cox called the meeting to order.
Lion Ken Gough led the pledge to the flag and Lion Tim Tapp offered a prayer of thanksgiving. The Lion Tamer spot was filled by Don Raines today and he collected 2.50. The Tail Twister Frank Ray collected 3.75. Don Raines won the drawing and asked that the money go to the Turtle Derby.
Turtle Derby- October 19th. If you have not sold turtles please attempt to do so. Steve needs information by next Thursday October 12th.
RAM- needs volunteers for their November 3-5 setup at the Gray Fairgrounds.
Ken Gough will be taking approximately 2500 pair of glasses to Roanoke on October 14th and could use some help.
PDG Ed Gibbons introduced guest and prospective member Dave Roach. He also noted that the pecans have been ordered and we can make a significant profit for eye exams and glasses if we sell them all.
The 70th anniversary party is being planned for February 2018.
Eye screening in daycare centers and Kindergarten classrooms begins next week and Ed needs our help. A list is being sent by email and you are asked to sign up for a day or days to help.
President Gayle Cox made the announcement about two training events for Lions. The first is in Morristown on October 21. Tim Tapp has the application for this. There is also one in January and more will be mentioned on that in the coming weeks.
WE need programs for November. If you have a possible program please see President Gayle Cox.
PDG Ed Gibbons introduced Michael Barron who spoke to us on the opioid epidemic and the issues surrounding it. His focus was on the criminal aspect as well as the addiction in our society. This issue is being addressed by law enforcement but there has been a recent campaign in the faith and mental health communities. He shared that there were 33,000 deaths in 2015 from drug overdose. 25% of all prescriptions are misused. Of those who have transitioned to Heroin about 80% of them started with opioids. This was an informative and interesting program. President Cox presented Mr. Barron with a Lion’s Mug in appreciation for his program today.
With no further business to come before the club, the meeting was adjourned.