Johnson City Lion’s Club   August 4, 2016, Regular Meeting


The J.C. Lion’s Club met for its first August meeting of 2016 at the J.C. Country Club. Those in attendance were Lions: Ed Gibbons, Steve Campbell, D.J. Naron, Brian Powell, Ken Gough, Dennis Powell, C.B. Willis, Tim Tapp, Don Raines, Gayle Cox, Jerry Lonon, George Winton and Billy Pike.  Our speaker for the day was Ms. Mary Spangler from the Jonesborough Sr. Center.


The meeting was called to order by King Lion Campbell and Lion Don Raines led the pledge followed by Lion Tim Tapp leading in prayer. The Lion Tamer collected $1.25 in fines and the Tail Twister collected 3.25 in fines.  D.J. Aaron came out victorious again this week and donated her winnings to the Turtle Derby.


PDG Ed Gibbons reported that he and Lion Theresa Gibbons went to the Unicoi Head Start and tested 15 children with the new camera. They have been contacted by the Elizabethton Head Start and he will ask the Elizabethton Club to help with this project.


Lion Ken Gough reported that we finally have a collection site for eyeglasses in Erwin. The CVS in the Food Lion Shopping Center has agreed to provide a home for our collection box. He also stated that a group will going to Roanoke on September 24, 2016 for the East Tennessee Lion’s Work Day.


Lion Don Raines reminded us that the Vision Van is a “go” for October 29th. It will be at Harrison Christian Church and we are in need of volunteers.


Brochures were also handed out concerning the Lion’s Campaign for Leader Dogs. It was noted that we give District 12-N $1,000.00 each year to be distributed to various projects, one of which is leader dogs.


Lion Vests were still be made available at this meeting. These vests have been donated and they will be great for community projects.  If you have not been to a meeting in a while it would benefit you to come and pick up a vest.


There were no other announcements and the Lion Tamer noted that there were no special guests except the guest speaker.   Lion D.J. Aaron was introduced at this time and she in turn introduced our speaker, Ms. Mary Spangler from the Jonesborough Senior Center.  Ms. Spangler did an excellent job telling us about the senior center and all of the activities, amenities, and programs offered for those 50 and older.  She also expressed an interest in partnering with Lions in volunteer opportunities.  The fee to join the SR. Center is nominal and there are many good services provided to all members but very beneficial services to those in need (ie. Meals, energy assistance, support services, etc.) She left us with several pieces of literature on the sr. center and the opportunities there.


Ms. Spangler was presented with the traditional Lion’s coffee mug as a thank you for her time with us today.

Lion Steve Campbell was reminded that there is a District 12-N Zone Meeting on August 16th at Beef O’ Brady’s in Elizabethton.


With no further business or announcements to come before the club, the meeting was adjourned.


respectfully submitted,


Tim Tapp – Secretary

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