(11 members present and 4 guests)
The meeting was called to order at 12:25 PM by King George Winton. Lion Jerry Lonon led the pledge and 1st VDG Ed Gibbons asked for the blessing.
Back-up Lion Tamer CB said the Lion Secretary won the drawing and he (the sec) gave the money to the Turtle Derby.
Acting Lion Tail Twister Winn twisted some tails and collected some money.
VDG Lion Gibbons introduced his two new guests Linda Baughman and Sam Crowder for the second meeting in a row! Here we grow again!!!!!
Then, VDG almost awarded IPP Brandon Johnson from the ETSU campus club for his participation in the Lions Mentoring Program at the state convention in Memphis (Brandon will get his pin as soon as Ed finds it). Lion Johnson also received a handsome plaque that he actually did received from the district for District Lion of the Year from DVG Gibbons. In addition, Lion Ed gave Lion Brandon shirts, ties and scarves for deserving Campus Club members from the Ties for the Blind foundation.
Tessa Branhan, a friend of Lion Johnson and the Campus Club addressed our club about her plans to form a Leo Club for the Tri Cities Area right here in Johnson City. Here we grow again!!!!! Tessa, who will be a high school senior this fall, said she has up to 15 prospective members and will have the 20 she needs to form a new club by this coming September and asked for $250.00 a year from our club to support this effort. This should be a great investment because Leos are between 12 and 18 years of age and will feed the campus club which, in turn, will feed our club and other clubs across the state of country assuring dedicated Lions for the future.
Our other speaker today, Lion Brandon Johnson said, in addition to helping with the new Leo Club formation, he got the Campus Club to 33 members in his term as its first president and he expects it to continue to grow. Retention is at 100% with about 50% attending meetings and participating in monthly community projects.
George Winton, Lynda Gochenouer and John Merriss, three members of the new (and many say the worst ever) board of directors were sworn in by STB DG Gibbons.
Lion Ken Gough was assigned the honor of being the program chair for May and June. Lion Winn volunteered to take July and August and Lion Willis agreed to next March and April. That leaves 3 “volunteers” needed for the other months and those slots will be assigned to Lions who were not in attendance today who don’t attend the next regular meeting. You know who you are.
Meeting adjourned at 1:04 PM
Humbly submitted,
John Merriss