Board of Directors Meeting May 8, 2014

Johnson City Lions Club Board Meeting Notes (LCI No. 5093)
Date: Thursday, May 8, 2014

The Regular Board Meeting was called to order at 12:26 PM.

The Board Members who have a “P” after their names were in attendance.

President George Winton- P
Immediate Past President Sterling Winn –
1st Vice-President Ken Gough –P
2nd Vice President Gayle Cox –
3rd Vice President Steve Campbell –
Projects Treasurer Ed Gibbons-
Administrative Treasurer Debbie Shipley-p
Tail Twister Mike Ferguson-
Lion Tamer Theresa Gibbons –
Secretary John Merriss – P


2 Year Director Lynda Gochenouer-
Special Two Year Director Terry Thomas-

Also in attendance were Lions Jerry Lonon, Ed Henley and Don Raines

1. Minutes of the last BOD Meeting: The meeting notes from the last BOD meeting were read and approved unanimously.

2. Administrative Treasurer: Lion Debbie Shipley reported total income for April was $613.14 with expenses of $1,002.13 for a loss of $388.99 and a checkbook balance $4,701.22

3. Projects Treasurer: Lion Debbie Shipley reported for Lion Ed Gibbons: from 4/10/2014 to 5/8/2014 – Income, $2.65, expenses, eyeglasses and exams, $730.00 for the same period resulting in a loss of $727.35 with total Liabilities & Equity of $28,945.43.

Lion Gough moved to accept both Treasurers’ reports as written and submitted. King Lion Winton seconded the motion and it was unanimously approved

4. Membership: The following members have missed 4 or more consecutive regular meetings – Gayle Cox, Sam Messimer and Jane Myron.

5. Dues: No members are two or more months past due.

6. Committee Reports:

Eyeglass Recycling: Lion Gough announced that the spring trip was very successful with three members and Guide Dog Sparkle from this club and 3 members from the Campus club in attendance. The next trip is scheduled October 18th (subject to change).

Sight Conservation: No report.

Eye Screenings: No report.

Kid Sight Eye screenings: No report.

Turtle Derby: No report.

7. Old Business: There was a great deal of discussion about our club working with Habitat for Humanity to organize an administrative team to help HH build a home for an eligible blind couple (both partners are blind) in this area. Lions Shipley and Gough led the discussion and offered names of present and former JCLC members who may be candidates to be leaders for this opportunity. King Lion Winton vowed to bring this up at the next regular meeting (next Thursday) for further discussion and action.

8. New Business: Lion Gough made a motion for this club to support the ETSU campus club for up to $300.00 annually (to be reviewed as needed) for the formation of a Leo club. The motion was seconded by Lion Jones and passed unanimously.

Lion Gough led a discussion about the formation of an Elizabethton club. He said that it only takes 8 members to start a branch club (as opposed to 20 to charter a regular club. It will be easier to find 8 new Lions for branch membership and they would be counted as members of this club until they grow enough in membership to become a regular club again. Lion Ken and DGE Ed Gibbons will work on this and report what we need to do to move forwrad.

Meeting adjourned at: 12.56 PM.

Programs for May and June:

Program Chairman Gough announced the speakers for the next three regular meetings:

May 15th, David Carmichael – Parks and Rec.
June 5th , Richard Bales – Johnson City School Board
June 9th, Jeff Anderson – ETSU Foundation

Next Board Meeting: June 12, 2014

/s/ John Merriss

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