Regular meeting of the Johnson City Lions Club held at noon Thursday, March 20, 2014 at the Johnson City Country Club, Johnson City, TN37604
(13 members present and 2 guests)
The meeting was called to order at 12:24 PM by King Lion Sterling Winn. Lion Jerry Lonon led the pledge.
District Governor-elect Eddie Gibbons asked the blessing.
Lion Tamer CB Willis said Lion Lonon won the drawing and Lion Jerry donated the money to Lion Park Signs.
Lion Tamer Willis recognized DG-elect Lion Ed Gibbons who introduced his guest Gerry Mathison, who will be our next new member right behind Lion Tom Terry’s guest Bryan Botts, who got his application in just minutes after Mr. Mathison.
King Lion Sterling Winn introduced the Club Secretary who reported on the Zone meeting held on the ETSU campus two days ago and hosted by the new campus club. The meeting was well attended including 5 members from our Johnson City club (6 including Sparkle) but the Greenville Club won the prize for most attending from another club. Actually ETSU had the most present hands down but being the host they were not eligible for a prize. 6 or 7 new ETSU Lions were inducted putting them at 31 members and King Lion Johnson said he’s shooting for 40 by this time next year and the biggest Lions club in the district before he graduates. Lion Lee Bryant from the Kingsport club introduced the new Spot camera that her club is trying out. She had been using it that day and found it to be far superior for the following reasons; (1) FASTER – two eyes at once, can be read with an instant print-out that can be given to the parents on the spot, (2) EASIER – just aim an click, (3) QUIETER – there are no beeps, even hard of hearing Lions can be photographers. It’s a bit more expensive ($7,200.00) but we can get a trade in with the camera we’re using now and if more than one club buys one a further discount can be had.
King Lion Winn then introduced Lion Ken Gough who inducted 5 new Lions; Lions Jane Myron, Tom Terry, Mike Ferguson, Theresa Gibbons and our newest Lion Ed Hensley. Lion Ed Gibbons sponsored 4 of these and deserves our sincerest thanks. Lion Terry just signed up a new Lion, Bryan Botts, who will be our newest Lion (to be inducted at the next meeting) and has brought in another prospective member. Good work Tom! Lion Ed Gibbons introduced his guest and soon to be newest member, Gerry Mathison.
Lion King Lion Winn presented a slate of nominees for the 2014 – 2015 fiscal year:
George Winton – President
Ken Gough – 1st VP
Gayle Cox – 2nd VP
Steve Campbell – 3rd VP
Secretary – John Merriss
Lion Tamer – Theresa Gibbons
Tail Twister – Mike Ferguson
2 year Director Lynda Gochenouer
1 year Director Tom Terry
Lion Ken Gough moved to close the nominations and the motioned was seconded by Steve Campbell and passed unanimously.
Once again, Lion Ken Gough announced this spring’s eyeglasses Roanoke recycling trip will be held Saturday April 12. If you can serve at this important event let Lion Gough know. We need 10 to beat ETSU. So far, since their formation that club has had the best attendance of any other Club in the District.
Welcome all new members, especially real new members Mike and Ed and soon new members Bryon and Gerry.
Meeting was adjourned at 12:58 PM, right on time.
Next regular meeting, 4/5/2014.
Respectfully submitted 3/20/2014
/S/ Lion John Merriss