Johnson City Lions Club Board Meeting Notes (LCI No. 5093) Date: Thursday, March 14, 2014 Meeting Place: THE JOHNSON CITY COUNTRY CLUB
The Regular Board Meeting was called to order at 12:26 PM
The Board Members who have a “P” after their names were in attendance.
President Sterling Winn-
Immediate Past President John Merriss-P
1st Vice-President George Winton- P
Projects Treasurer Ed Gibbons-P
Administrative Treasurer Debbie Shipley-P
Tail Twister Ken Gough-P
Lion Tamer CB Willis-
Secretary -P
2 Year Director Lynda Gochenouer- P
Special Two Year Director CB Willis-
Also in attendance was Lion Tom Terry.
1st. VP Lions George Winton presided for President Winn.
1. Minutes of the last BOD Meeting: The meeting notes from the last BOD meeting held November 14th were read and approved unanimously.
2. Administrative Treasurer: Lion Debbie Shipley reported total income November 2013 through February 2014 of $1833.34. Total expenses November 2013 through February 2014, $3037.45. Checkbook balance $4465.29.
3. Projects Treasurer: Lion Ed Gibbons reported Income of $6,103.85 from 12/12/2013 to 3/13/2014 and expenses of $5,279.14 for the same period resulting in a surplus of $824.71. Total Liabilities & Equity of $22,540.47 for 12/12/2013 through 3/13/2014.
Lion Campbell moved to accept both Treasurers’ reports as written and submitted. Lion Debbie Shipley seconded the motion and it was unanimously approved
4. Membership: The following members have missed 4 or more consecutive regular meetings: Gayle Cox and Jane Myron.
5. Dues: 1 member is two months past due. Lion Shipley said LCI charges $50.00 for each new member. Currently we are getting $30.00. Lion Winton asked that the Budget Committee consider this deficiency and rectify it in the next fiscal year.
6. Committee Reports:
Eyeglass Recycling: Lion Gough announced that the spring trip will be Saturday, April 12th leaving Johnson City at 6:00AM.
Turtle Derby: No report.
Sight Conservation: Lion Gibbons submitted the following:
Apps on file…239.
Average per month…30
Yearly budget…$19,700
More apps will be coming in, especially until we have a active club in Elizabethton, but in order to take more we will need to increase the SC budget. Sell more turtle sponsorships?
Lion Ken Gough thanked Lion Dennis Powell for the great job he and his business did in refurbishing the collection box that Ken installed at the Elizabethton Wal-Mart even as he spoke. Lion Ken also said that he canvassed all the optometrists in Elizabethton and several agreed to collect used eyeglasses and provide their services for eye exams.
Kid Sight Eye screenings: No report.
7. Old Business None.
8. New Business:
· Lion Campbell reminded us that we have an opportunity to recruit students for service projects through the Tennessee Promise Program.
· Lions Ken and Ed discussed the possibility of starting a branch club inElizabethton.
· King Lion Winn announced that the Zone meeting being held at the ETSU campus at the Culp center at 6:30 PM, March 18th. Members attending are to let the Secretary know by email. Cost is $15/each.
Meeting adjourned at: 12:53 PM.
/s/ John Merriss