Ouir newwat member Tim Tapp, sponsored by Dennis Powell and inducted by PDG Ed Gibbons, was installed today 12-17-2015. Here is his remarkable story:
When Tim Tapp was a middle school student suffering from pneumonia, it might not have seemed like a time for the parable of the talents to have its beginning in his life. And when Ed Clawson came to visit him, it’s likely the pastor didn’t even know the seeds he was planting. But on that visit over 30 years ago, perhaps in some way Clawson was anointing the young boy with talents Tapp would grow into two more or five more. “(Clawson) talked to me like I was a person”, said Tapp, who these days is the outreach and congregational care pastor at Central Baptist Church in Johnson City. “A lot of people don’t treat 12 or 13 year-old kids that way. he told me how much he missed me, and that he was praying for me. Then he prayed with me. “When I became a pastor, it was instilled in me that the thing I wanted to make sure I did was to be with people through the tough times, and the good times. Another person who perhaps unknowingly shaped his future was his grandmother. It started with a simple picture when Tapp was a boy. “I didn’t even realize it was influencing my life, but it was picture of Jesus carrying a lamb, and the sheep following him,” said Tapp. “It was a picture of the good shepherd. I remember my grandmother explaining to me Jesus and his care for the sheep. I can still see that picture still in my mind.”
Tapp, a 46 year old Erwin native, has been married to Amy for 23 years. They have a 21-year old daughter, Carrie and a 15-year old son, john. Tapp graduated from ETSU in 1992, and first studied for the ministry at Southern Baptist Seminary in Louisville, Kentucky. He finished his degree at Liberty University in 1997. And has gone on to pastor churches in South Carolina, North Carolina and Northeast Tennessee before arriving at Central Baptist. In January 2014, Tapp and Central Baptist found a harmony of the minds. “They were looking for someone to do outreach and congregational care,” said Tapp. “The outreach part was a lot about reaching out to the downtown area. Central Baptist is committed to people in this area. I was asked to apply, and I did.” ”As long as we have breath in our body, we should be doing everything we can to help each other out. Each day when I get up, my goal is the great commandment: to love the Lord your God with all your heart and all your soul, mind and strength, and love your neighbor as yourself. I don’t always get right, but I’ve noticed when I seek the to get the first part right, the second part can fall into place pretty easily. At the end of the day, Tapp said his job isn’t really a job after all. “I just get a great joy in what I do,” he said. “Certainly there are difficult moments and frustrating moments, but it not really work to me. I enjoy it so much.”
Welcome Lion Tim Tapp to the Johnson City Lions Club!