Johnson City Lions Club Board Meeting Notes (LCI No. 5093)
Date: Thursday, December 10, 2015
The Regular Board meeting was called to order at 12:23 PM.
The Board Members who have a “P” after their names were in attendance.
President, Ken Gough-P
Immediate PP, George Winton-P
1st V.P, Steve Campbell-P
2d VP, Gayle Cox-P
Secretary, John Merriss-P
Projects Treas., Ed Gibbons-P
Admin.. Treas., Debbie Shipley-
Tail Twister, George Winton-P
Lion Tamer: Jerry Lonon-P
1 year Dir:
2 Yr. Dir., Tom Terry-P
Also present Lion Don Raines
Reading of the minutes of the last BOD Meeting: The reading of the November meeting notes was waved.
Administrative Treasurer: No report.
Projects Treasurer: Lion Gibbons report; 11/12/15 to 12/10/15. $8781.23 income. $12474.48 expenses for a loss of -3,693.60. Total Liabilities & Equity $22,164.19.
Attendance: No report
Dues: Lion Campbell reported that no one is in arrears.
Committee Reports:
Sight and hearing conservations: Lion Gibbons reported 11 new eyeglasses were provided for needy area citizens at a cost of $80 to $85 each.
Eye Screenings: Earlier today 13 screenings were successfully completed at the head start program in Elizabethton. The president of the Elizabethton club along with Lion Kathy Jordon, a member of that club, were present for training on the camera. Lion Terry moved that that we trade in the Sure Sight camera we’re presently using for screenings for a $500.00 credit on the purchase of the new Optima Plus camera (already ordered) and schedule screenings together with and in juxtaposition to the Elizabethton Club’s screenings. The motion was seconded by Lion Campbell and passed unanimously.
Eye glasses recycling: No report.
LVBI: Lion Rains reported that September was a great month and October was OK. He also said that Director Southerland is doing a great job.
Turtle Derby: Lion Winton thanked Lion Raines for the free publicity he obtained from Cumulus Broadcasting, the JC Press and the News and Neighbor. He, Lion Winton, also suggested that we schedule the Derby next year in October on a Friday when SHHS is playing an away game to boost attendance. The Carver Center received a donation of $300.00 for the use of the facility and they want us back in 2016.
Membership: Our newest Lion, Reverend Tim Tapp will be formally inducted into the JCLC with PDG doing the honors.
Pecan Sale: Lion Winton reported that most of the money is in and we’re in the black.
Bell Ringing: Lion Winton said he plans on working out a schedule between Monday and Thursday before Christmas (Friday the 25th). He hopes to have a schedule worked out by next Thursday.
Christmas Benevolence Fund: Lion Winton reported that a donation of $250.00 will be made to God’s Corner this year.
Web Site: Lion Terry said that he can get articles published usually the same day he receives them – . He asked that pictures not be imbedded in any article but sent separately instead.
Health and Welfare: Rose and Lion CB Willis. Lion CB fell in the parking lot at Franklin Woods hospital visiting his wife and suffered a pretty bad bruise on the back of his head and was taken to the Medical Center for observation and tests. Please keep CB and Rose in your prayers.
Program Chair: Lion Debbie Shipley will be the Chair for January and February.
The meeting adjourned at 12:58
Respectively submitted 12/10/2015
Lion John Merriss
Next regular meeting (the last one in 2015) will be held on December 17th.
The first regular meeting in January and the BOD meeting that month are canceled (JCCC closed). The second regular meeting for January 2016 will be held on January 21st.
District Convention – Friday and Saturday, Feb. 19th and 20th 2016 in Oak Ridge.