Meeting notes from the 2nd regular monthly meeting of the Johnson City Lions Club for DECEMBER, 2015 held Thursday,Dec. 17th at the Johnson City Country Club, Johnson City, TN 37601.
(11 members and two guests present)
The meeting was called to order at 12:24 PM by our 1st VP, Lion Steve Campbell.
Two guests were introduced – Lion Sterling Winn introduced his son Michael and Lion Campbell introduced prospected member, Pastor Brian Powell of the Harrison Christian Church. .
The first order of business was the presentation of the Melvin Jones award to Michael Wynn by PDG Lion Ed Gibbons. Michael who, though not yet a Lion, has been a big help to the JCLC through his young life working with his father, Lion Sterling Wynn who only popped three buttons on his vest during the presentation.
PDG Lion Ed Gibbons then presided over the induction of our newest Lion, Reverend Tim Tapp. Lion Tapp is the current pastor of the Central Baptist Church. PDG Lion Dennis Powell was Pastor Tim’s sponsor and happily attached his Lion membership pin.
A sign-up sheet for the ringing of the bells for the Salvation Army at the Belk’s store (upper level) in the JC Mall was passed around. As a result here’s the schedule:
Monday 12/21 5PM Lion Don Raines Tuesday 12/22 5PM Lion Ed Henley 6PM Lion Dennis Powell 6PM Lion Debbie Shipley 7PM Lion John Merriss 7PM Lion Ken Gough
Lion Campbell introduced today’s speaker, Lion Bob Clayton of the Greenville club and District Representative for Christian Record Services for the Blind. Lion Clayton’s mission was to ask for the JCLC’s help in the Blind Camps go County Gala which will be held on September 13, 2016 at the Carnegie Hotel across from ETSU at 1216 N. State of Franklin road. All proceeds benefit blind youth who attend the Tennessee Camp for the Blind. He needs help in finding table sponsors, items for a lively auction that will be conducted at the gala dinner and a key speaker for the event. Any help will be greatly appreciated for this important Lion fundraiser. Contact Bob at 423*620*7622, .
Lion Clayton brought with him Ben Waddell, a talented blind young man who spoke about the good times he’s enjoyed at the TCFTB. Ben is a talented guitarist, singer and composer who is studying at ETSU in both history and the blue grass history program. He sang some Christmas hymns, some country western and Christian contemporary songs (two of the songs he composed himself). Ben has a beautiful singing voice and plays the guitar remarkably well. It was very entertaining and enjoyable holiday program.
Next Regular Meeting will be Thursday, January 21st , 2016.
(Yes that’s right, the country club will be closed the first two weeks in January)
Next Board Meeting will be held Thursday, February 11th, 2016.
District Convention – Friday and Saturday, Feb. 19th and 20th 2016 in Oak Ridge.
Respectively submitted 12/17/2015
Lion John Merriss
The meeting adjourned at 12:56 PM