Johnson City Lions Club Board Meeting Notes (LCI No. 5093)
Date: Thursday, Oct. 8, 2015


The Regular Board meeting was called to order at 12:25 PM.

The Board Members who have a “P” after their names were in attendance.


President, Ken Gough-P

Immediate PP, George Winton-

1st V.P, Steve Campbell-P

2d VP, Gayle Cox

Secretary, John Merriss-P

Projects Treas., Ed Gibbons-

Admin.. Treas., Debbie Shipley-P

Tail Twister, George Winton-

Lion Tamer: Jerry Lonon-

1 year Dir:

2 Yr. Dir., Tom Terry-P


Also present Lion CB Willis, Lion Brandon Johnson


Lion Johnson reported that the ETSU campus Lion Club is doing well. In spite of 10 Lions graduating and

(most) joining Lions clubs where they are now, membership remains high. Present membership is 34 active and 2 affiliate members.


The JCLC has $800.00 budgeted for the ETSU club this year and they have asked for $691.91 for District and LCI dues. Lion Tom Terry moved to provide $700.00 for this request. Seconded by Lion Campbell this request was discussed and unanimously approved by voice vote.


Lion Johnson also announced a Zone meeting will be sponsored by the ETSU club on Thursday,

October 22nd at Freiberg’s restaurant (downtown on W. Main) at 5:30PM. Plan on attending.



Reading of the minutes of the last BOD Meeting: Waved by unanimous consent.



  1. Administrative Treasurer: Lion Debbie Shipley: Report for Sep, $720.00. Income, $403.93

expenses. Difference, $316.07. Checkbook Balance of $5865.96


  1. Projects Treasurer: 9/10/15 to 10/8/15 Total income $314.00. Expenses $1810.00 for a loss of $1496.00 and total assets of $21440.87.



  1. Membership: The following members have missed four or more consecutive meetings;

Mark Fox, Mike Ferguson, Lynda Gochenouer, Jerry Mathinson, Sam Messimer,

Gayle Cox and Sterling Winn.



  1. Dues: No one is in arrears according to Lion Campbell.


  1. Committee Reports:


Sight and hearing conservations:  No report.


Eye Screenings: Lion Willis reported that 3 screenings are secluded for October and that the Eye

Screening committee is considering expanding to include Washington, Unicoi and (until the Elizabethton Club starts doing screenings) Carter counties.


Eye glasses recycling: Lion Gough reported that he cannot attend the trip this Saturday, the 10th and that the Lion Secretary will be making the trip instead taking about 2000 pairs of eyeglasses to Roanoke. If any JC Lion would like to make the trip please call Lion Merriss to arrange transportation – 423-943-6756.



LVBI: No report.


Turtle Derby: Lion reported that he has tickets for the Derby which will be distributed to the local elementary and pre-schools.


Pecan Sale:  Lion Willis asked that this year’s price for each 1 pound bag be reduced from $12.00 to $11.00 to avoid sales resistance. Because this request was a committee request, no motion was needed and it was approved by the board members present without further discussion.




Old Business: Lion Mumpower memorial: Lion Campbell moved that the money pledged to this fund be sent

to ETSU in Lion Waymond’s memory. Lion Shipley seconded the motion and it passed     unanimously. Anyone wishing to contribute please make your pledge to Lion Steve Campbell.



 New Business: None


Meeting adjourned at: 12:47 PM.

John Merriss

/S/ ________


Next regular meeting October 15th.  


Sell turtles and pecans at $11.00 a pound.  


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