Johnson City Lions Club regular noon meeting notes. (LCI No. 5093)
Date: Thursday, 12/15/2011
(16 members present – no guest)
The meeting was called to order at 12:28 PM by President Steve Campbell, who called on Lion Debbie Merritt to lead the pledge and PDG Lion Dennis Powell to ask for the blessing.
Lion CB Willis won the drawing and the money was donated to the Turtle Derby.
Lion Debbie Shipley announced that she has reserved our regular meeting room for Wednesday, February 14th for a St. Valentine Day’s Dinner at 6:30 PM. No one was surprised when Lion Clem Wilkes asked if that would take the place of a regular meeting. Surprisingly, the answer was, “Yes, indeed it will be”. At that point Lion Ken Gough moved that the dinner replace the regularly scheduled meeting on the 16th and that motion was seconded by Lion Don Raines and passed with only one dissenting vote. A RSVP request will be made soon to all Johnson City Lions asking if they will be attending alone or with a guest (their sweetheart) so that Lion Shipley will know how much food to order.
Lion Merritt asked if Christmas Benevolence money that was not used to support other charities could be given to help the God’s Corner Ministry to help the homeless and people with limited means to provide badly needed coats and other clothes for their families. Immediate Past President Ken Gough pointed out that this was up to Lion Dr. George Winton who is the chair of that committee. Lion George said he would see to it that the God’s Corner Ministry will receive $250.00 immediately.
Today’s speaker, Gloria Wilson was introduced by program chair, Lion Paul Easlic. In addition to being a Lion and the mother of a child who was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes at age eleven, Gloria works for the American Diabetes Association. Her presentation entitled “Stop Diabetes” was more than a speech; it was a heart-felt plea for continuing the fight to control and reduce the effects of diabetes, and eventually end it.
The meeting was called at 12:53 PM.
The next regular meeting will be held on January 19th, 2012.
John Merriss