Johnson City Lions Club regular noon meeting notes. (LCI No. 5093)
Date: Thursday, 4/19/2012
(13 members present – 0 guests)
The meeting was called to order at 12:15 PM by future president, John Merriss, who called on Lion Ken Gough to lead the pledge and Lion Ed Gibbons to ask the blessing.
New Lion Tamer Jim Paveglio announced Lion Ed Gibbons had won the drawing.
Lion John Merriss announced: 1) next meeting we will have induction ceremonies for new officers (no speaker) 2) if you want to change committee chairs let John know and 3) State Convention in Kingsport at Meadowview Conference Center will be May 3-5 please try to attend.
Lion Debbie Shipley program chair introduced the speaker Mr. David Pendleton, Executive Director of Friends of Old Downtown.
Many events are going on in downtown Johnson City with the two big ones being 1st Friday and Blue Plum Festival.
1st Friday’s May event will be a Latino Festival, come out and enjoy the culture.
June’s event is the one and only Blue Plum Festival: 45 arts and crafts vendors, jazz stage, children’s play area, and a food court. Friday’s headliner will be Goose Creek and Saturday’s will be Guy Clark. The Little City Roller Girls will give a demo on the sport of roller derby. Some 80,000 will be in attendance. Go to for more information. The Johnson City Lion’s Club will have an opportunity to fundraise at one of the gateways. We will sell blue plum stickers for a dollar and get some of the proceeds, which is undetermined at this time of the percentage.
The meeting was adjourned at 12:45 PM.
Our next regular meeting will be Thursday May 3, 2012.
All Lions are invited to the next Board Meeting on May 10,
Paul Easlic
Incoming Secretary